Tried and trusted methods on how to do Steemit fulltime and make money while doing it. ( Part 3 of 3 )

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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Here we are at the final part of my "how-to" guide, so to speak. There are many other things I do to promote myself, but I don't want to make this into a 200 part series. hahah. And mostly because I want you to think outside of the box, get creative!

Patience and Dedication.

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I think just about everyone mentiones these two points when writing a "how to make it big on Steemit" article. It's kind of a cliche if you think about it, but so extremely important to remember and to put into action. Back in the day my posts barely made it over $1,00. I networked, I read articles on how to increase votes etc, and they still clocked in at $1,00 odd. Everyone told me, "be patient", continue to work hard and it'll pay off.

I'm not making millions, but I'm doing a heck of a lot better on my posts since back in the day. How? I just carried on. I just continued to post and tried my best to create funny / good content. At times I wanted to give up, I'm not going to lie, but I knew that I just had to carry on, I had to press forward. The more my posts payout's sucked, the more I wanted to push forward, to better myself. Asking for advice, learning from others etc.

Dedication pretty much falls into the Consistency category in my opinion. Don't give up man, don't ever give up. No matter how much your payouts suck, don't give up. Push forward, move forward, carry on! It will payoff in the end, it will! You just have to believe in yourself and the rest will follow. ( punintended ). lol. I know it sucks at times, I know you might think, "Why am I even doing this", but you have to carry on. You have to. The reward is worth it in the end!

Closing thoughts.

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  • Use Discord to your advantage daily if you can
  • Find your passion and use it in your posts
  • Be consistent. Try your best to post daily
  • Find your traget market and focus on them
  • Comment ( useful commensts ) on quality content and vote on quality posts
  • Acquire as many followers as you can, but make sure they're not dead followers and never use, "Follow me I'll follow you"
  • When the going gets tough, push forward! Your patience and dedication WILL pay off
  • Never ever give up!

Disclaimer: The information in this post is what worked for me. Every person is different but the information listed is a good foundation to build upon.


Thanks for encouragement to not to give up....

Yea, don't ever give up! Ever! It's not worth it :)

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