I've Decided to Stop Self Upvoting On My SteemIt Posts

in #steemit7 years ago

(above original photo by: Arnaud Jaegers of Unsplash)

Since I've been traveling around a lot the last four months, I actually did not take notice that I've been posting SteemIt posts and then automatically having them get the self upvote post. 

I honestly will say, it's my lack of knowledge as to how the SteemIt rewards system completely works.

I've seen some talk on the SteemIt community over the validity of doing self upvote. You can read about one opinion here by @jerrybanfield and @calamus056

After reading more about the cons of self upvoting, I've decided that I will no longer self upvote my posts, and simply let other SteemIt users upvote my posts as to how they think of the quality of the content.

I am now much more concious about the self upvote issues and the last 2 posts along with this declaration will start my pledge to no longer self upvote my SteemIt posts, rather, save these precious upvotes for other quality content around the SteemIt community.

Do you also no longer self upvote your own SteemIt posts?


self vote is an incentives for someone to buy SteemPower. It is in a way the ability to promote your post in the hot section. If self-vote on post was disabled, a lot of the incentives to by SP would go away...which would bring the price down.

Ah I see. Thanks for that perspective. It makes sense to give incentive for people to hold their Steem as SP, if they have to increasing ability to self-vote ... well looks like I may just quickly break what I decided to do in the first place. That's why I like hearing other people's opinions too!

honestly steemit should just eliminate it as it's more harmful when whales do it. I do it in shame because I'm still a minnow.. but I upvote everyone all the time as well. My full power 6 cents is not making much of a dent..

Thanks for sharing your perspective ... then I guess I'm still conflicted since I know I'm far from being a whale. I guess I'll contemplate it a little bit ... I may go back to self-voting, because I do know that it does help with increasing self exposure for the post at times.

Interesting... @bearbear613 so maybe it really just makes a significant impact when wales upvote themselves. I don't think either of you are minnows by the way..although not a whale either.

I vote for a new "class", the middle-class. How does dolphin sound?

I agree ... I was thinking that I'm definitely not a whale yet ... to me whale is any SteemIt profile from 70 and up. I think the middle area would be those between 40 to 70. And then the minnows are anyone below 40. So yea, there should be a SteemIt class like you suggested called dolphins.

One of my SteemIt friends convinced me out of not self upvoting .... simply stating that the incentive for people to keep building up SP is the ability to self-vote own posts so that they get recognition and trend on SteemIt, so self-upvoting isn't necessarily about the money.

yeah that makes sense... although tbh I'm at 47 but I still consider myself a minnow. Maybe a fat minnow.

Sure, I won't hold it against you to self upvote :) I do it as well, and I think as long as you're still actively commenting and upvoting other people's posts - which you clearly are, there's no harm in it.

I am of the opinion that it depends how active you are reading other people's votes. Maybe you can get a bigger following if people see you are deliberately upvoting them. Also I think voting groups can seriously limit your potential to grow your rep quick.

For me I read replies more than upvotes (although I always appreciate upvotes!) then I follow folks based on their replies to me.. ie, if they've taken time to respond with a well though comment, like you have ;)

Interesting, would you mind elaborating on why voting groups limit potential? I've tried the minnowbooster thing, delegated Steem etc and it hasn't worked for me once.

Makes total sense - for me right now with my upvotes at a whopping 1 cent (I've delegated too much SP to minnowbooster), it doesn't make much of a difference. You've got tons of followers and reliably good content so it sounds like a good move for sure!

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