
Yeah same here @hotmangoes, you literally just need to pick everything up before they vanish, and I said "complicated" because I was relating normal weapons with the secret ones and so I felt there was many more secrets I missed when infact.. I just had to pick them up.

Yes it like that for me I thought it because I missed other wall it to break them.

Some of those breakable walls are nicely hidden @hotmangoes, I saw a video that showed the artwork, did you find all of them?

Yea it well hidden and no way it that I find them all I forgot about artwork but it did get some of them.

Here is that video I was talking about, not only does it show the locations but it also shows the artwork found.

Cool I take it a look. Also I wanted to say thanks for all it votes. I feel bad as I cant give back as it my votes are it still useless.

Some of the artwork is really interesting. Dont worry about that @hotmangoes I have had many people say that but if you keep collecting SP then you can help even more which I why I have been upvoting, plus it's a repayment for all your support.

Yea I remember some of it being cool. I remember our chat of SBI I buy you a SBI as it help more.

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