in #steemit6 years ago

@kubbyelizabeth you and my fellow steemians did it!


Where did it start?

Some months ago, Kubby and I started joking about having our own radio show on mspwaves radio. From joking, we start to give it some serious thought and start planning to make it possible. Kubby parent's bought her the PC you require to broadcast and voila our show went on the air. She was doing all the technical stuff and the broadcasting from her end, I was writing the posts that we discussed on the show and we both and the audience contributed to the songs we played in between.

Romance on the Air10.png

Then a terrible disappointment.

Somewhere in January, Kubby told me that she will not be able to go on with the show. I was so terribly disappointed as on my end, I don't have the necessary equipment to broadcast. I told Kubby that I was so disappointed. She said she will continue for a few weeks with the show and that I must not worry, the Lord will provide.

And then there was hope!

The next thing I saw, was that Kubby started a fundraiser in order for me to buy a new PC. I was so humbled and astounded by her effort and generosity. She made some fundraiser posts and every time our show was airing she was promoting this posts. I got a quote and send her the amount of sbd we would need. In the beginning, it was like 388 sbd. I would have never had the courage to do this and even if I did I would not have got the same positive response as she did. She is such a ray of light and have so much positive energy and she is loved by all! She got a wonderful response to the first few fundraiser efforts and then the sbd came in a bit slower. But she was not giving way, she continued till her last broadcast at the end of February to push this case. I made one post to try to help her and I got about 21 SBD.

But here my friend @gaintbear that lives in the next door village to me, saw my post and contacted me and ask what kind of a PC I want to buy. I told her that @globocop and @r0nd0n of mspwaves radio, gave me the specs and I gave it
through to her. So she told me about a place nearby where she bought her computer that will be cheaper than the first quote that I got. So I ask them for a quote and it was about 60 sbd cheaper than the initial quote. Then my son came to me and said mom, let me try and find you a cheaper PC. So he went online and got the PC for about 136 sbd cheaper than my initial quote. I was a bit cautious about ordering online because so many people get scammed. But my brother and my son said the website looks legit. So I told kubby I am going to cash out my sbd and I am sure we have raised enough. So I transferRed 303 sbd from my account (which a few of that was my own sbd) to bittrex on 4th March and my son start putting our order together! I paid over the money, just under R10 000 (rand - South African currency) with some caution and thinking what if I lost that money? (stinking thinking is what another christian friend calls this).

So the miracle arrived at our gate!

My hubby and son was first there, my son even more excited than I. He signed for it before I could get a chance but at least I got a pic!


It was time for dinner so I said to me son he can set it up later, but oh no... he said dinner can wait, he is doing it now!

So he start to assemble it and just a while later, there my New PC was setup. Later that night he installed all my other programs.


So with this post my utmost thanks and gratitude first and foremost for @kubbyelizabeth who made this possible.

Please support her blog as she is job hunting!

There were a few other steemians who made donations of sbd directly into my account. Thank you @poeticsnake, @sunravelme, @overkillcoin and a few others (you now who you are, that did not want to be mentioned). A big thank you for @gaintbear who introduced me to steemit and put my mind on the right track to get a cheaper quote. Big thank you to my son Duan, (he will start to steemit soon) for helping me with the order and everything else here at home. Never ever in my wildest dreams I would have thought that I will get such a big present from people I did not even meet face to face. Just to show again how wonderful our community are and that we must fight to keep it this way.

So where to now?

I am just struggling to get a fast enough internet now. The national company tells me on the phone they can't provide me with an adsl line, although here is people around not so far from my house that does have adsl lines. So first thing Monday I am going into the offices myself. I must download the broadcasting program, OBS and start to set it up on my new PC. I also have a new christianity show planned, on mspwaves radio on Sundays. I already reserved the time slot. As soon as I have my internet sorted out, we are good to go. Please pray with me that the internet problems can be sorted out!

What else?

In the meantime @globocop said he can host me for a little while, from his new "studio" in Panama where he is living now. Thanks again, you are real friend! It is not so easy for him, because his show "Godwaves" start just after mine so it is going to be rough on him and I appreciate it sooo very much! I am still solo for a few weeks.

Romance on the air hope klein.jpg

Also in the meantime, I talked to my son and he is going to start co-hosting with me as soon as we are ready. He likes to send in voice notes to our local radio station and they quite like his comments as they always play it on the air. So we will see how will that go. He will then also handle the technical side, giving me more freedom to interact with my listeners (that is you!) in the audience. Please come support me tomorrow night at 7 pm UTC on mspwaves radio on the PAL server. It is a whole new game without kubby, (I miss her lots!) so I will really appreciate your support and I am sure you will find it entertaining!

Thank you all again!!!!!


That's such a winning story. Steem sure has some amazing people. I was able to raise funds through this platform to buy school supplies (bagpacks, books and writing materials) for over 150 pupils in my local community here in Nigeria. And boy were they kids who were in dire need of these things. All through Steem. I am glad your goal actualized. Congrats on your new PC ;-)

Thank you for comment @misterakpan. I am so glad that you could get support from steemit. I see that steemians love to support such undertakings. Blessings!

@kubbyelizabeth is quite amazing, isn't she? What a wonderful story about a wonderful community! I'm sure you will be able to get your internet sorted out quickly.

Yes, definitely an amazing and very talented person! Thank you for your comment!

Awww, this is awesome news!!

Yes, everything is just awesome. Just please pray with me for that God will help me sort out the internet connection!

this is really amazing, dear for dure it will be very much better than the other one.

For sure it is much better, the other one was so slow, I was getting old waiting for it to open anything.

Another great example of the power of steem.

Hope it goes well with getting the good internet connection.

Thank you dear @pennsif, I love your new program, where people play their 8 songs!

Yay! So glad everything worked out well! Happy steeming!

Thank you, I definitely will!

Nice! Glad you have a better pc, sounds like the previous one was terribly slow. No one needs that kind of stress :D

Thank you, yes terribly slow and too small to broadcast from. I am amazed at the speed of this one. It is about the size of a gaming PC. So wonderful to work on this! I was getting old waiting for my laptop to respond ;-)

It is truly amazing how our grand creator works. If it is meant to be then it will happen. I am very happy for you. It is so great to receive such beautiful gifts.

Yes, for sure it is amazing. Lol, I think this is the most expensive gift I have ever received!

Yay! I'm glad you got your computer lovely

Thank you dear @sunravelme, I am ecstatic, I can't believe how fast it performs.

God works in beautiful ways. Congratulations @hope777

Thank you dear Troy, He does for sure! Blessings!

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