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RE: My 500th blog post!!!

in #steemit5 years ago

In the almost 2 years I've been on Steemit I've met a whole 2 people in the flesh that live in my area. That's it! I'm glad to know that there are communities out there doing stuff but sadly none of them are in my area. We need more activists out there doing stuff. I can't win these battles alone. Nobody wants to join me. At least not in my area near me.

I've posted past rants about 5G and the dangers it poses to us. No one cares. They are turning on the 5G machines anyways. Right now we need to focus on the coming global Martial Law in the next 4 to 6 weeks cause of this Corona Virus. Whether or not this is a false flag CIA psy op, it is still happening. They created it to justify their lawless existence and their excuse to quarantine the entire country declaring Martial Law. Virus or no virus, this is their big move. I hope you are prepared.


Like it was written , it will come as a thief in the night ,.... to most it will come as a lightning at a clear sky , as it was written . Never i came across old writings that told of a gun-slinging hippie that changed all that , i wish i did do , but sorry no . So that can't be your purpose i think ;-) . Alone is what most of us are , leaving steemit won't change that .
I plan to drive about 3500 km to Greece to go and live the free life . Ended my job contract , refused all state financial support plans and all , stopped paying taxes , good and ready to go ,... then this virus panic breaks loose . Had to invest in winter tires for i can no longer cross Italy , have to go true Austria now , if i still can . Prepared or not , i am going . Wish me luck bro :-)

Hats off to you man! Don't worry about the Corona Virus. Worry about the Martial Law that is coming and/or already started in some parts of the world. I don't know how bad it is where you are at but I hope you make it.

Thanks , and indeed , it's not the virus , it's the madness around it , states use it to destroy all human rights and and lock up unwanted masses under the false claim's of protection while this "virus" keeps spreading and killing people . Fake state media takes all normal flu deaths and add's it to the death-toll , the propaganda machine is pushing this like crazy . ,.... this is part of agenda 21 .
Store shelf's are half full , people start to panic , cops became 10 times the danger they normally are , ... i am afraid this will not pass without major problems . The Elite started to purge i guess . Time to wake up time to get up , time to stand our ground .

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