Don't Try to Convince People To Use Steemit.

in #steemit8 years ago

You are Probably Guilty of Exactly This!

One of the biggest struggles we will have with a technology that is changing a paradigm is the temptation to try to convince others that they should be using it also. I am here to tell you that it is not worth while. In the end you will grow frustrated!

9 Reasons People will Not Join Steemit No Matter How Hard You Try.

  1. They Don't Respect You.
  2. They are Comfortable.
  3. It is Too Good to Be True.
  4. They Think it is a Ponzi Scheme.
  5. They are Afraid of Change.
  6. Those Crypto Coin Things are for Money Laundering.
  7. They Might Have to Pay Taxes on Their Earnings.
  8. They Think They Have Nothing to Offer.
  9. They are Worried About the Opinion of Others.

What You Can Do to Attract Users.

The best approach to attracting users to a new platform is to make it as appealing as possible. Not everyone is motivated by making money. Some people love the idea of being part of a community. People feel special when they help build something and Steemit is no different. Look at the success of SteemFest!

The first two communities that I saw adopt Steemit, like a swarm, were the crypto currency community and the Anarchist community. This is because influencers within those communities began to post here. The same will happen with other groups.

The difference here is that we are early adopters of a platform and have to deal with the negatives and positives that come with it. People will look back at the early days of Steemit and admire, in awe, at some of the payouts people had for posts! The early adopters were raking in the profits but they had to deal with the difficulty of using a Beta platform and the constant changes. The folks who will arrive a year from now will be using a platform that has had most of the kinks ironed out.

Sit Back Produce Great Content Consistently and Watch Steemit Grow.

If we produce amazing content on a consistent basis the users will come. So maybe it takes 5, 10 or even 50 posts before someone on Fascistbook takes notice of your accomplishments on Steemit. Then one day they ask how they can do the same thing. This is how organic growth works. People do not like to be told to do something. They want to feel like they made the choice. Even though it was your consistent posting that won them over.

Then The Magic Happens, They Drink the Steemit Kool Aid!

Follow Me, I Follow Back 100%.

$200 Social


Very good advice. There's an effective tactic in sales called the takeaway which is applicable in this situation. My friends are watching on the sidelines as I keep posting and earning and slowly, one by one, they are catching on.

Besides, I don't think Steemit is ready for the masses yet. Most people are not going to want to be bloggers. They just want to post pics of their dinner or their kids. They don't want to create content.

Haha, I just posted this article explaining that I have made a promotional video presentation to convince my Dutch friends to join Steemit:

So far I have some moderate success. Around 15 people have shown interest since I made the video, but I don't know how many will actually join and be active. :) Btw, I have started following you. Nice post!

Promotion is great! I do it as well. The issue I am seeing is people going one to one and trying to convince folks to use Steemit. It just leads to frustration.

Our readers from our website are coming over due too the steemit we use. Yes just post to facebook and twitter, and some of your followers will come over.

Honestly we could do much better if our blogs where integrated with the API of steemit. Imagine if comments, upvotes and more could be done from your own website. For us this would be huge 🎉

I talked to like 50 IRL people about this, 5 joined, only 2 remained active so far.

It always comes back to the Pareto Principle. Most won't do crap.

True, Zipf's Law, Pareto's Principle.. inescapable..
Anyway, gonna host a small workshop/intro at a bar in the city, hopefully that'll get some local established content creators in pushing their craft further on another medium :)

That is the best way to do it. Show them results and some will be excited by the money and others will find the community feel appealing.

I tried to convince one of my friends, and she wasn't having it. She's still on Facebook posting her photography and political opinions and receiving nothing for it. I think she'll probably head over here when she sees it's still in business six months from now. But of course by then she will have missed the opportunity to get in on one of the lower floors.

Those are the exact types of people that would benefit the most. Too bad they have blinders on.

I dont even try to convince people to join, I just talk about it to them and explain how it works. Then I explain how sometimes I can make like $100 from a post. If they are interested I help them set up an account, if not they wont even ask.

That is probably the least stressful way of going about it.

Some people love the idea of being part of a community. People feel special when they help build something and Steemit is no different.


So true... the early adopters get the rewards and doing things properly like great content, Steemit will evolve. Based on other platforms there's a 4 to 6 year period of time before the platform is a major rather than a minor.

Exactly, the chances of it being the next Instagram or Snapchat are low. I believe it is because using Steemit actually requires some effort.

So true @hilarski , people either get Steemit or they don't. Just because the don't make a million bucks on their first post the don't come back again.

Thanks for reading Luis!!

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