My 12-Year Old Son Succintly Exposes Banker Elites and Political Corruption LIKE A BOSS (Video)

in #steemit8 years ago

In 2012, I began waking up to the fact that there was something wrong with my world. All my life, having been immersed in the idea that there are groups of people (I now see as an illegitimate "ruling class") who felt like they had the moral right to boss everybody else around, I just couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. I now understand that the problem wasn't the fact that their are psychopaths who want to RULE, the problem was that the majority of the people over whom they ruled, thought this whole arrangement was just fine and dandy!

So, I didn't just dip my foot into the pond of politics...I jumped in with both feet. I felt like I could help change things.

After having read a couple of his books and becoming familiar with Libertarianism, I got involved with the Ron Paul campaign. I became a delegate to my state convention (RP won by a LANDSLIDE...but the higher-ups of the GOP had their pre-approved agenda, we got railroaded and they gave the state to Romney) and had some involvement with the 2012 National Convention in Tampa.

But I wasn't the only one in my family who became involved with the RP campaign. All my kids (there are 5 of them) became involved as well. They wrote songs, waved signs and even made videos. Anything to get the message of Liberty out to the masses. (If anybody's interested in the Liberty music videos we made...lemme know and I'll post them to Steemit.)

My son, Josiah, 12 at the time, grabbed my camera one day and started recording. Believe it or not, he has grasp on the things he's talking about in the video...he's heard MANY discussions about all these concepts. Enjoy!

I'm Brian Young, anarchist and owner of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix; and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page:

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