Top 10 - Steemit Users by Country [8/22/2017]

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends:


Source: by @hien-tran

2Total Number of Steemit Users:313,269
3Total Number of Posts:1,709,036
4Total Number of Comments7,917,702
5Daily Unique Visitors:155,000
6Monthly Unique Visitors:4,665,000
7Daily Pageviews:7,925,488 (5.14 per visitor)
8Alexa Rank:2,486 Visit alexa
9Alexa Reach:0.0311% (Percent of global Internet users)

Top 10 - Steemit Users by Country:

11-United-States-of-America.png United States31.3%32.4%
22-United-Kingdom.png United Kingdom10.6%6.6%
33-Korea-South.png South Korea2.3%5.3%
44-Germany.png Germany3.1%4.8%
55-Japan.png Japan1.9%4.4% (+0.1%)
66-India.png India6.5%4.2% (+0.1%)
77-France.png France1.9%2.9%
88-Spain.png Spain3.8%2.9% (+0.1%)
99-Canada.png Canada1.3%2.6%
1011-Italy.png Italy iconnew.gif3.0%2.3%

Source: by @hien-tran


Steemit is still quite small but its potential is infinite and its popularity is still rocketing!

I feel proud to be a part of this great platform.

south korea is num 3. and US is only 1/3 of users. interesting

I really enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing with us. Enjoy the vote!

Very enlightening thank you very much!

comprehensive and detailed information, thanks for sharing

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