Relative vs. Absolute Popularity: Why Getting 50 Views on Steemit is like getting 125,000 Views on YouTube

in #steemit7 years ago

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The top posts on Steemit get thousands of views. In contrast, the top “posts” on YouTube get tens of millions of views within days - and up to BILLIONS of views in the long run.

Most of us are not the whales of Steemit. We’re the minnows and dolphins, posting diligently in hopes of making an impact and earning a few bucks. Unfortunately, most posts by minnows and even dolphins are only seen a few hundred times, perhaps less than 100.

When you put a ton of effort into a post, then you get maybe 20-30 views for it, it can feel bad. HOWEVER. It’s a great idea to keep building your portfolio of awesome posts now. Here’s why:

You Should Focus on Your Relative Popularity, Not Your Absolute Popularity

This post was pretty good, but it only got 50ish views

Steemit is still a small site in the scheme of things. We do have a half-billion USD market cap, which is fucking rad, but our actual user traffic for consuming content is very low.

If you get 50 views for a post, on a site like YouTube that would be very unimpressive. But, what about if you look at it as a percentage of the most popular posts?

A standard top trending post on Steemit might get 4,000 views. If you get 50 views, then do the math: 50 / 4,000 = you got 1.25% as many views as them.

A top video on Youtube might get 10,000,000 views. What’s 1.25% of ten million? 125,000! Not bad, eh?

This is how I feel trying to get more views on Steemit. credit:

When you think in a relative sense, even posts that earn 20+ views here are doing pretty well. Five years from now, it is reasonable to think that will equate to thousands, or even tens of thousands of views.

Don’t get discouraged! Keep on creating great content and helping us to grow the Steem community. This site represents an opportunity that is truly massive. Will you earn your share of the pie?

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the key word here is patience and then with hardwork , success is definite on steemit.

I totally agree!

You are wise. I agree that patience & hard work are the best combo for success.

You're absolutely right man that's a great way to look at it and it helps to keep to motivation going!

damn straight I'm right!

One of my article made 700+ views on steemit but i got paid 0.01 . I don't understand !!!

Yeah it is a bit dishearting getting like 3 views on your articles. Kind of makes you wonder if there is a point to continue

Very interesting! Comparing it to Youtube or Facebook really puts it into perspective!

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