Hey, Minnows & Dolphins - It's OK to Spend Your Steem When The Market Is Down!

in #steemit7 years ago

When you rely on Steem to pay the bills, and the market goes down… what do you do?

There’s a chorus of posts across the site, pretty much every dolphin and whale in the whole blockchain is posting something like “Don’t Panic! Hold your Steem! Only a Fool Would Sell Right Now!!!”

What it Feels Like to Be a Minnow/Dolphin Right Now

Let’s use a hypothetical example: Michelle, average Steem user, usually cashes out about 50 steem each week as supplemental income. It goes towards groceries, credit card payments, gas in the tank. When Steem was way up at $2+, she was really having a good time. She had $100+ per week to spend, so she was able to not only buy essential groceries but also some fancy cheese.


All of the sudden July comes around - Bitcoin hard fork drama happens, big whale stuff above her head. Ethereum is down, Bitcoin is down, most importanly STEEM IS DOWN!

Michelle really needs to cash out her 50 Steem this week. She’s running low on food, plus she told her friend they could go get coffee tomorrow and doesn’t want to risk having her card bounce… But she feels very guilty.

The whales keep saying DON’T SELL! DON’T SELL! - But how should she not sell? This is money she needs to survive.

It’s Ok to Spend for Survival

You should feel completely OK with spending Steem right now for survival purposes. If this is a useful extra source of income for you, then the ups and downs of the market are just part of the game. You don’t need to time it perfectly.

If you sell 50 Steem at $1.20 today, and tomorrow it’s at $1.40, you might feel like an idiot. “There goes 10 bucks!” - but here’s the thing: The mental stress of trying to time the market is NOT WORTH TEN BUCKS. Life goes on either way, you’ll just have less fancy cheese money for a little while.

Don’t try to predict the future.

Also, the market is just as likely to go down in the short term. I was looking at $1.75 steems last week and waiting to cash out my weekly pay… I didn’t want to do it before $2. Well, look at me now, cashing out at $1.20. OOPS.

Don’t Confuse Steem Income With Day Trading Income

When you treat Steem as a regular income source by cashing out some of it each week, you are NOT DAY TRADING. You are earning money for writing.

If you choose to hold Steem as SP for long-term holdings, THAT IS NOT DAY TRADING. That is long-term investing, like buying mutual funds or bonds. You are betting on Steem’s value going to the moon in the future - whether or not Steem is worth $2 today has little bearing on its ability to reach $10 in a few years.

Day Trading is a very specific thing. It’s when you trade that money on a daily or even hourly basis, trying to time the market for profits. You only day trade with funds you are willing to lose.

You are either day trading or you are not. Decide ahead of time and stick to it. I personally do not day trade whatsoever. I cash out 50% of Steem earnings as income and 50% automatically vests into Steem Power, where I do my best to not touch it.

If I try to time my cashouts, I am day trading. I can’t afford to lose all of my Steem income without a significant reduction in life quality - therefore, I should not day trade with it. Does that logic make sense to you?

Summary of this part: IF YOU AREN’T DAY TRADING, NEVER TRY TO TIME THE MARKETS IN THE SHORT TERM. Either hold for the long-term or just cash out on a regular schedule.

What Do You Think?

I’m really curious to get feedback on this idea. If you spend Steem as part of your “survival” income, using it for groceries, rent, etc - how has the market downturn affected you? Do you think the ideas in this post are good, or do you disagree?

We’re all learning how to do this new blockchain lifestyle together. See you in the comments :-D

p.s. Don't want to miss a post? Sign up for the weekly newsletter: https://mattsokol.us


Man good point. I'm having to use my crypto in between jobs right now too. Sucks when the logical thing is to hold in a bear market. But got to do what you got to do. Also crypto bear markets don't last too long ☺️

Plus we're still up many hundreds of percent from the beginning of the year... so it's only a bear market if you think of the last two months in a vacuum! at least that's my philosophy to sleep better at night :-)

Good post. You have to do what is right for you. It's easy to say hold if you are sat on hundreds of bitcoin and thousands of dollars. But if you are not and need to sell just sell. You need to consider why you are in Steem. Are you a writer earning a living (or supplementing earnings)? Or are you an investor? You can be a bit of both, but this will affect what you do with your Steem. It could go back up, go higher or crash to zero. We have to wait and see. But if you need funds, just sell. I don't believe many of these whales saying they are holding anyway. If everyone was holding, the price wouldn't drop!

Dude that's so true what you said about if everyone was holding, the price would be higher. I think maybe people are just looking for advice to give out because they need to post something... and it's really easy to post "DON'T PANIC, DON'T SELL!" for a few days. Personally I thought all that was a bit silly... nobody was really panicking!

And no one wants to admit they sold if the price goes up. But I bet you'd get a whole load of people bragging about how they sold at the top, if it goes to zero!!

Ya!!! Survivorship bias to the max.

A Well omformes post!
It's cool to see how people on here actually manages to spend the extra Steem they get on useful stuff, like groceries, bills and etc. I am not there yet, but give me 6 months and I think I will be able too!

I think it's fun to daytrade really low sums when I am bored (better than playing casino games) but then we are talking 10-20$ at a time maximum. And mainly for the fun of it. But sometimes you actually pick some good ones and make a little here and there! :)

You can definitely do it in 6 months man! That's how long I have been here and things are going really well now.

Day trading small amounts sounds like total fun too! It's like gambling at a casino but with a better chance of actually earning some money. I actually just noticed you compared it to a casino too, hah, great minds think alike.

One thing you could is change the day you sell your steem. From watching crypto the past couple of weeks it seems like it always starts to fall at the end of the week and goes up at the beginning of the week so selling Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday might get you more bang for your buck vs selling on the weekend.

Awesome post and you're absolutely right if you're using steem as a supplemental income just cash out around the same time every week. You may sell low one week, average the next week, and high the following week. If you try and time the price you could end up selling low ever week.

Hmmm... you have an interesting point there. I wonder if there's a reliable trend there, with prices being higher mid-week. Maybe some of the Steemit statistician types could help me out, I'll have to hit up some peeps and see what they say.

The general trend of crypto markets from what Ive found is that they are higher midweek as people sell off profits at the end of the week.

Cool, thanks for the heads up. I was gonna cash out some today anyway so maybe Wednesday will be my day from now on.

How about trade some steem for newer cryptocurrency that are at a lower price

You could do that, but that would be Day Trading, right?

I think if I needed to use Steem to pay for groceries for the week, I might not want to put it into ANY cryptos - too risky when I need it right then.

Yes man I agree , perhaps a part time job or Bitcoin mining could work
God bless

My only "strategy" so far is just waiting for a dip in the price of steem before trading in my SBD for steem. Apparently, up until recently, I was being silly with my SBD, trading it in on the internal market market when it would have been worth more if I had used an external exchange, oh well, live and learn I guess.

And now SBDs are down to $1 too.. I wonder if they will go back up at some point.

Hopefully. Although I guess the point of SBD is for it to stay at around $1. I don't really understand any of it enough to really have an informed opinion though.

I love this!
Some times you have to do what you think is right for you
I really enjoyed reading this, because I am trying to live off Steemit earnings ;)

Good luck! You can get there if you keep working at it.

Yeah I agree and you don't want to be pennywise pound foolish.

one day i have potential pay off 10$ second day 9$ 4th day 6 and so on :D i feel like i have been robed.

Well that's not just because rewards are down, that's actually due to the Steem value going down.

So you are probably earning still at least 75% of the Steem you were earning at first, but the USD value of Steem went down so it looks lower now.

exactly that's what i was trying to say :D . i mean potential pay out reduces. whats the difference why it happens it's just way less then it was. i will get reduced money :D

Great article ... and beard may i add! It was your friendly furry face that drew me in! ;D

I am without voting power but i shall resteem your super-post!

Hah, thanks man good to know that the face got you in here. Thanks for the resteem too, that's honestly even better than an upvote most of the time :-D

Thanks very helpful. What I hear you saying is, among other things, don't be penny wise pound foolish.

What if you try to keep all your steem and don't cash out and then you get sick because you don't eat properly?

Or you have to go borrow money at some crazy interest rate? THANKS FOR THE SOBERMINDED POST!

Is there a limit or optimal amount of posts per day that I should aim for, and what is the best way to somehow info from old posts from when I was just starting out?

(which maybe one or two people ever read but that are good - I think at least).

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