Advertising Steemit to Businesses

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't mind Steem going up in price, so instead of advertising to bloggers with "Blog here and make money", I made this one to target businesses with "Invest here and get more customers."

I hope you like it, and that you spread it around on Facebook or Reddit, or whatever is popular.

Upvote if you think this is worth something.


I do believe that advertising must become a part of Steemit at some point and the money distributed among all Steem power holders according to their Steem Power . By doing this it will give an incentive to own Steem Power .

yup might work, but I doubt it, I would hate my feed getting cluttered or product placement being inserted in posts. Even seeing an add might make me puke :D if it was giving me money sure, maybe :D but I can't sell ads and I can't eat them, so I don't want any :D

In a similar fashion, I think Steemit could be a platform for charity/non-profit organizations. They can have an organization account, encourage their existing followers to join Steemit to create content... get their message out AND accept contributions from people who support them in the form of Steem... by direct transfer. No cash, checks, credit cards or anything to keep track of. The organizations bring new users to Steemit, AND they benefit from direct returns FROM the Steemit community.

Oh yes, that's a very good idea too!

I like it. =D

The part about "Bloggers advertise your product or service" isn't correct.

Voting power just allows you to:
a) Upvote other people
b) Upvote your own posts

So your wording might be:

Invest in Steem to gain voting power.
Create your own advertisement or product literature
Upvote your own ad to get popularity
Bloggers read your ad and upvote you too
You get recognition, which turns into sales, you make money

It's that simple.


My question is... "is it R E A L L Y that simple?" doesn't sound simple to me. :(

I was going to say the same thing, It's not much about promotions and business here yet. I've seen posts promoted for 100 SBD and a small payout. It's not centered around that yet. It's more a personal experience. I for one like it that way. A better way would be to make a SteemIN site and link to linked in, there's your idea :)

Link in and Steem IT :D

I wouldn't advertise anything, screw that for all I care. Hate marketing for one. Hate being marketed to. Hate being a commodity. People are people not bar codes.

I like the reverse btw,

It's that simple
You make money
invest in steem to gain power

the problems is that SBD are close to useless since there isn't anything to do other than promote and burn them there :D Steem and Steem power are useless too outside the platform. And Power is just your account weight, if it was your business value or the invested interest that would change. But I do think it should be left out of the bloggers game, nobody would be able to compete and imagine google coming here and downvoting somebody to - 500 rep :D

It actually is.

You create an account called uh, "Corporation X", for instance, and then you contact individual bloggers, and make a deal with them.

The bloggers subtly add product placement into their posts, and then they get upvoted by a business that has Steem Power through purchasing it.

The ads won't be obvious ads, but instead, just product placement, which is generally more effective.

How do they make deals with bloggers with no PM or email capability?

Why would any business do all this work to sit there and cultivate individual deals? Most businesses don't have time to sit there and research individual bloggers, take the time to go back-and-forth contacting people and entering negotiations with each one.

I'm normally not a cynical person. But in this particular case, we have a long way to go, to make "it simple" for businesses to benefit from steem.

We need some new features brought into the platform. For instance, each blog post should have the capability to "add a small sponsored ad" at the bottom. That you choose from a list of advertisers who out-bid each other.

With the ad, comes automatic statistics (view ,clicks) for the advertiser.

At least that would be simple. "Buy ad credits (steem), upload your ad, get your stats, you're done" - All Busineses understand that concept for online advertising.

I'm only working with what I've got.

As it is, there is very little incentive for any person to invest a lot of money in Steemit. That's why the price of Steem continues to drop day after day.

No one is interested in it, because there's nothing here to buy, unless you just want to be nice to bloggers.

I know. If all of us keep talking about that.. eventually the devs will add these things. That's usually how we can get stuff done. :)

Good attempt, and I like the fact you were trying your best here.

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