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RE: STEEMIT: I am pleased to announce that yesterday saw a spike in New User Accounts registered on STEEMIT at no less than 1,172..!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I really have problems with that market cap for a beta-product when compare to real world valuations - lol.


STEEM is CHEAP, it is VERY VERY VERY CHEAP when you compare it to existing Social Media Sites that are valued in GARBAGE FIAT Currency at horrendous valuations. Comparing STEEM to say Facebook's Valuation is like comparing fire to snow. They are two totally different animals. Facebook is still using the archaic and antiquated methodology of valuation within the Capital Markets. This is old hat investments and when people finally wake up, and they will, that valuing something with what is in essence a DEBT INSTRUMENT the shit will really hit the fan, and I mean REALLY HIT THE FAN..!! Stephen

To be honest, I have less of an issue with something like Steemit than I do with the likes of SnapChat and twitter who have LONG track records and billions of users... and multi-billion dollar valuations even though they have never been able to come up with an economic model that actually generates profits. Or even significant revenue...

"To be honest, I have less of an issue with something like Steemit than I do with the likes of SnapChat and twitter who have LONG track records and billions of users... and multi-billion dollar valuations even though they have never been able to come up with an economic model that actually generates profits. Or even significant revenue..."

Now that is definitely worth REPEATING..!! This is EXACTLY why STEEM will excel all other current garbage sites. If I was a Shareholder of any of the others I would be pretty worried right now..!! Stephen

Hi @denmarkguy,
From the way I see it when people realize how much information they are freely giving away about themselves, there will be enough of an incentive and awareness for them to make the switch to a better serving infostructure.

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