Steemit Niche Builder - How To Create Your Category

in #steemit7 years ago

You Can Get More Clicks.
Here's a tool the pros use.

How to create your own unique category.

Watch the video for ideas on your niche.

Click The Button! Lets Be Friends!

Cheers My Steem Friends!
Much Love, Happy Money Man.


I've been thinking there is a distinct lack of music content on Steem. On Reddit some of the biggest subreddits are music based. I'm not 100% sure what that content would look like since Steem probably isn't the best place for original music, but maybe some kind of music curation? I'm going to keep thinking on it.

Thanks for the video!

Quality idea for a niche. That gives people something to think about. I'll think on the music angle also.

Good lord happymoneyman, that comment was not worth that upvote. Thank you!

haha. Random acts of upvoting.
That's fun sometimes.

At the end of my video I claimed anyone who gave an idea for a new niche would get a big upvote. You were the only person who pulled off the request so you deserved it.


I have a great idea! A vlog that only takes place during the Mid Afternoon!

Great Vid Happy, hope everything is going well bro!

...and the Mid-Afternoon Legend claims his niche.
Great call haha. Cheers bud.
I'll be by your page soon to see what's going on.

I'm curious to see your decision about powering up or day trading.

ayee appreciate the love happy!

I decided to diversify and hold for the moment. I think Eth will make some big moves in the coming months as well as Tenx and civic!

There you go big baller. Interesting. Crypto has so many fun angles.

Great video! So true, love the way you look at things @happymoneyman! Thank you for posting things that help me with my creativity. Your background of the forest is so pretty. I will be thinking of ways to combine the things I am good at and love to make a unique niche.

I'm glad you saw how this video and my last video fit together. Building a unique category is such a fun thing to think about. Good luck.

Hey you are a happy man indeed!
I love your meeting in the forest!
Humans need a LOT more meetings in forests!!!

Haha yes. This was my first day calling it the Forest Meeting, but it fits so proper.
It's my daily walk in the woods.
When my day starts like this, the world flows along nicely.


Awesome! I love it!
Do what facilitates the flow∞§∞

What is a genius? A person who demands little to nothing from others, but is often found extremely difficult to have around.

Not, sure how to apply this, but I like that you made me think. Haha.
Good quote. Thanks.

So what do you think your niche is? :))

Haha, well... This video made me realize that I really need to think about that.

I try to give really specific tools people can use, but I don't think that's really unique.

I don't have one! I'm trying to solve that puzzle right now.
As I go on this Steemit journey a lot of the ideas I throw out to you guys are things I'm currently working on.

What about you?

Make it up as I go a long niche.... 🙃. At least now I know about this and maybe I can come up with ideas in the future. Glad to get such quality advice by following you. Cheers!

haha, that's been my niche so far also. I guess as we go along we can refine the process. Cheers.

I actually started "Cat Photos/Videos #: All About Cats Challenge" when I was just several weeks new on this site. :D
Not a famous challenge just like colorchallenge but it was originally done by me to have a some sort of cat diary for our cats. :D

Oh how cool. Is it still going?

Yah, it is just a challenge for myself. :P :D

Finding your niche is easy when you complete one sentence, people need to follow me because . . . . Answer this and everything else is easy. If you can't complete the sentence, you need to have a drink and start doing some self analysis until you do.

Information from the branding man himself. Thanks@johnnyray.

You pose a wonderful question that's at the heart of finding our brand.
"People need to follow me because..."

This is a lot harder than it sounds.
When I say people need to follow me because I have well edited videos, it doesn't work. What are they getting? There are tons of much higher quality videos out there. They can go to IMAX!

It forces me to consider what value I am actually adding that people can't just find anywhere else.

Thanks for the comment @johnnyray.
I'll stop by your page for some more of your story soon.

thank you. Hoping to get things done quickly before the hurricane hits Florida. We are going on a cruise while it is here, so yes going to Alaska. yes, as far as I can go to get away from it.
when I get back I will have to spend some time promoting my latest novel release. Then, finally, I can work more on steemit.

Wow, fantastic plan. Sail away to the other side of the continent to avoid the hurricane.
It is looking really ominous. I wish you guys the best of luck.

I saw your new novel on your page. That's exciting. I'll check it out more.

Happy travels and I wish you the best through the hurricane. My aunt is in Fort Lauderdale. You reminded me I should call her asap.


yes, be sure to, and if they ask to evacuate do what you have to do to make sure she does.

Pretty good idea actually to stick to something which we love or would love express ourself it was a great video no doubt about that thanks for sharing your thought on this :)

It's a beautiful thing. Thanks for your thought @blazing. Have a great day.

Hey @happymoneyman so nice attitude, i just love it!
About niche, is the first time i hear about it, so probably i will try it but reading more about it.
Thank you so much!

I'm happy to hear you learned about niches. I love learning. Cheers. Have a great day and thanks for your comments.

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