Fake Friends Will Ignore You Until They Need You

in #steemit6 years ago

In our life journey we meet many people and get close to them. We start calling them friends and trusting them. As time passes we realize that we have real friends, fake friends and others who lie somewhere between real and fake friends. A real friend is simply another creature who is very similar to us. We share nearly the same troubles, moments of sorrow, despair, hopelessness, breakdowns. As we also do share the same feelings of pleasure, happiness, comfort, hopefulness. We are humans and nobody is perfect, but real friend is the one who accepts us with all our imperfections.


I always believed that friendships last forever and that our friends are always going to be there for us. As I grew up I had many friends. We shared everything together and spent good and bad times together. Friends who helped me in situations where I was not able to help myself, by a simple word or by a priceless encouragement. Who really understood what I was going through and tried to be there for me. Who understood me when I sought understanding. And there were other "friends" who tried to prove me wrong all time. Who left me in the time when I really needed them. Who acted good in front of me, but talked bad about me. Who remembered me only when they needed help. Who were there all time when I was happy and disappeared when I was in trouble.


I think all of us had such experiences and we had to sit one day and think, who really deserve to be our friends. Remember the high school days or even at work place. The ones who talk to you only when they don’t have anyone to talk to! You are treated as an option even when you consider them as your priority.

We need to recognize a bad friend and understand when to end a friendship, especially if it’s doing nothing but messing our life. As they say, actions speak louder than words. A person who doesnt respect our time and privacy, who isnt trustworthy or doesn't have good intentions, who try to dominate us every second of our life, is not a real friend. We shouldnt even call that person a "Friend". If we feel like we have been hammered on the head every time we spend time with that person, we need to think deep about this relation.


We need to feel good around friends and enjoy our time with them. But if they make us feel bad or lose our confidence, come up with lame excuses whenever we need them; it is better to be alone!

Image Source: www.pixabay.com




i have had this discussion many times in the past, with myself to begin with and friends once i got a concept of understanding of what was going on.

it can be difficult to "give away" something you feel you have invested in, ter are various psychological constructs defining these kinds of things. it is even more difficult when we try and do this with people, as some of us feel as though our investment is far more than anything financial input could amount to. However, if we look at these kinds of thing objectively we can see that some people only have their best interests in mind when interacting with others. tis can be most visible in what i like to call the "crisis" scenarios...

when "they" are in a crisis YOU have to be there and help them etc. but when the tables are turned and you need them in a "crisis", they are not there or minimize the immensity of the situation. these are tell tale signs of what is deemed acceptable behavior.

its very easy to be there when the times are great, when the money and champagne is flowing. i have a saying for this "in the darkest of hours people will show you who they really are..." so take notes and make adjustments as needed.

great article, much love in our direction @hanen

Sometimes we need to step back when things go wrong, even if we invested our time and emotions. It is very hard to know that others are just using you and you dont mean anything for them.

yes its hard to know that it is happening when you are in the moment, but if we take the time for self reflection and pondering on the happenings we can begin to see the writing that is on the wall... sometimes....

When you have a good time and do better, your friends will know who you are. When you have a bad time, you will know who your friends are. That's why, it is said, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Thank you @hanen for sharing this :)

Very well said! Thats absolutely true :)

Thats so true @hanen .. Great friends are hard to find especially those that stick with you thru thick and thin . Cheers and have a great weekend

Unfortunately thats life. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice weekend too :)


  1. BEARING DIRECT - it is a conscious removal of all dependencies. It is a readiness to act selflessly in the name of unexpected and conscious giving.

  2. THE FUTURE OF MISCELLANEOUS is a form of empathical understanding of the situation of another person. It's the awareness of the winding road, even if it's simple for you. It's getting into your friend's skin and fully perceiving your feelings and thoughts. A friend can truly listen, but he can also feel compassionate if he needs to.

  3. THE JUDIKED-FOLlower is a friendship worthy of trust and entrusting with all worries and worries. A friend is a person to whom you can entrust all your secrets without any fear that they will be disclosed.

  4. TOLERATIVE EXAMPLES - this is a higher form of recognition even when there is a diametrical difference of opinion. A friend tolerates and accepts the other person's right to a different opinion. Respects your different views.

  5. CHALLENGES - this is the time when a friend stays by your side even during a storm, but most of all it teaches and shows that you have the right to dance, even during the worst storms. It is it that strengthens you even in the worst moments of your life. It is this that strengthens your sense of happiness and rebuilds your joy of life. A friend will not only support you, but will also make you laugh and laugh.

True friends are a real blessing :)

True friends are a real blessing :)

You are right
Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour True friends are like stars, you don't always see them but they are always there.

Very well said :) Have a nice weekend !

Perfect experience, true till the end. Good posts must be resteemed, i just did that.

Thank you and have a nice weekend :)

You are very right dear @hanen. ......
The person available for help in the time of your trouble is your friend and don't let alone this type of friends when they are in trouble.
All the friends are exposed when you are in trouble, those who are true friends will stand at your front in this time, others will be somewhere busy and not be available at that time when you need them, both types will be clear on such occasions.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful topic.

And thats what I learned from my experience in life. Then I had to decide who will remain my friend and who not :)

a great posting @hanen. I have follow you. vote me back

Thank you :)