My Curious Mind Want to Know: Steemit Friends, what is your main reasons for upvoting someone's content?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Honestly, the main reason I upvoted someone's content is because I felt the author was genuinely honest in wanting to bring value to me, as a reader.  And You?

Also, for selfish reason, I am hoping the other authors will follow me and appreciate my contents too after I upvoted them.  And you?

Of course, getting more votes gives me monetary value encourages me to keep coming back to write more interesting and honest contents.  And you?

Lastly,  up vote this content and honestly, tell me what moved you to up vote this content.  

Would love to follow you when you follow me in Steemit.

Be Free Always, All Ways!




Hey Hanamana, I have a Hanuman mask from Bali on my wall. :-)

To answer your questions, I upvote content that engages me and / or that I just, like. I help Steemit best by being as genuine as I can with my upvotes and posts. Obviously the cryptocurrency aspect has it's enticement, however, as a newb, I figure I'll create the best content if I don't overthink it and pine for an specific outcome.

Grammar, punctuation and spelling are pretty important to me. However, I'm not one to lambaste people about it. If I can tell that there is heart and solid effort in a post - or I dig the content a lot - then I'll upvote something with the aforementioned errors / mistakes.

I do not plan to upvote content that I don't enjoy or that I am not interested in, unless, it is brilliant in it's composition. I believe in preserving my integrity, my voice. So "selling my upvote" for an upvote in return would feel disingenuous. Besides, I have a wide range of interests and people is one of them, so I don't see myself disregarding a ton of content due to disinterest.

I like that you are asking this question! Getting a conversation rolling. I'm the type of learner that works best by doing. I couldn't read a manual and then address the computer. I have to be doing it while I'm learning it.

FWIW, I don't fault anyone for going about it in a more ... proactive manner. I'm older, more established, if you will.

I have to agree with @fathermayhem on several points.

I lean toward posts with proper grammar, punctuation and spelling as well, but I also keep in mind that there are many quality creators whose first language is not English.
About a month into Steemit, I decided I needed to start from scratch and unfollowed everybody. I did this because in my first 30 days, I realized I was following people for the wrong reasons. Sure, I want to earn curation points, but my feed was full of content that I couldn't care two shakes about.
I've been slowly adding people to follow and my feed reflects my interests now. Those people are more likely to get an automatic upvote. But I don't stop there.

Unless I am truly just curating content from the bigger money-makers, I'd say I follow up with a comment about 90-95% of the time. In my opinion, it gives an upvote more meaning.

I vote for things I agree with, things I enjoy, and sometimes just to support an Author or let them know someone saw their work! I voted on this article because I saw someone looking for ways to be successful and I admire that and the willingness to talk about it. Following.

Hi whatsup,
Thanks for realizing that I want to succeed as a blogger in here. I failed most of my English classes in school as trying to learn English as 2nd language. First time blogging starting couple days ago. Still learning to write well.

I upvoted your post and I'm not telling why. That's the Evilest Thing I Can Imagine.

Thanks for being honest.

When I'm trying to only upvote the best posts, I look for how much research went into them, how polished, how unique and engaging. But, I'll probably also upvote those who have upvoted me and said kind things about my posts, even if their posts are short and funny instead of long and complex.

Hi Pulpably,
I am glad I have upvoted your content and hope I said nice things about your

I mentioned you in my most recent post as an unsung hero and linked to your introduction. I think you have the kind of personality that does really well here.

Upvoting is a way of giving positive feedback, so if something's worth reading, it's also worth upvoting. Same thing goes for the Like button on facebook and similar buttons on other platforms. Money rewards on Steemit could push me to change this attitude, but I try to keep it anyway. :)

Thanks for upvoting and giving me a feed back.

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