Interview with @papa-pepper / $150k in the first year

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello SteemNation. Today I bring you an interview with the man, the legend @papa-pepper. I thank him for the opportunity given and the time spend in the process.
If you want to find out how he was able to make $150k and his secrets in the first year make sure you read the whole post.

All great things start in someone’s garage. Or garden.

Starting in July 2016, almost a year ago, with a video featuring his garden, with no knowledge about what he was doing, not even the basic thing like uploading a picture @papa-pepper was able to make 150 grand. Tell me if that’s not something.

Abandon the ship

Against the fact that he was making money, for the first 6 months, he often thought about giving up because he had to work long hours and to do a lot of things at home as well. That and the fact that he has a wife and 5 children now.

Busy stuff

What about the money?

@papa-pepper was able to make on steemit 3X the amount he would normally make in one year More than the average American. More than the average steemian as well.

This has the potential to be a huge economic revolution for many people

The Rise and Rise of @papa-pepper

At the begining it’s all about the hustle and @papa-pepper is spendig hours everyday making multiple posts and comments. He has a total post count of over 20k.

I think that running contests and being generous helps too

He gave away thousands of dollars so far.

Advices for newbies

He started from nothing, with no knowledge and got 4k followers and $150k. This means that you can do the same as well.
You need good content to get noticed, and that’s going to take time.

You have to get noticed, so make good content on a consistent basis and comment on the posts of others to make new friends

The Gems

It’s important to never stop from learning. @papa-pepper knew nothing about blogging, crypto or even being online a year ago and he was still able to make $150k.
This thing, the internet, brought everyone closer. No matter where you live now you can connect with other people around the world.

Everyone one steemit (except for the bots) are real people and we can all play a role in each other's lives

The only other thing that I would add is for people to be patient with others, and leave room for mistakes. We are all learning and growing, and it is easy to get offended. We need to be patient and forgive. Often, text can be misinterpreted since we cannot hear the words being spoken. There is not tone here, just words on a screen. Give others the benefit of the doubt.

So at the end of the day, if you want success on steemit you need to get engaged in the community as much as possible. It’s not all about the moeny.


Come for the reward, stay for the community.

Make sure you follow me for more great content. There are more interviews to come.


Great interview and some great tips. Its all about the content and finding the time to consistently post good, interesting content others want to read.

This legit is a perfect article. Provides so much value and gives inspiration to every Steemian that they can do it too. Keep it up buddy, looking forward to more content from you :)

Thanks. I really appreciate it :D

absolutely buddy, keep doing great things

It's truly incredible what this man has been able to accomplish in a year's time.

His persistent, yet humble nature are qualities to aspire to, and are inspiring as a young Steemian.

Wow - that is very impressive

I know. He's awesome :D

Awesome interview. @papa-pepper seems like a super humble human being. The world needs more people like him.

thanks a lot!!! im also new here and its great reading this!!! resteemed of course :)

Awesome. Thanks :D

I love the tag line "Come for the reward, stay for the community"!

There couldn't be a more deserving man.

Much love @papa-pepper ! Soon a steemmillionaire!

Thanks for sharing this awesome interview with the man, the legend, the icon @papa-pepper! Papa is truly an inspiration for all of us just starting out on Steemit. He is the true personification of the ideals of hard work, dedication and never-ending patience and helps explain why he is one of the most if not THE MOST successful Steemian!

Closing in on my first month on Steemit this week, if I can do even a quarter of the awesome job that Papa has done here in a year, I'll be thrilled!

I know. He has done a lot of amazing things.

Definitely, and he continues to keep innovating and helping everyone here on Steemit. Very inspiring!

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