Lying Spammers in Chat

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for bothering me in the first place with your unsolicited advertisement, as if the SPAM commenting weren't enough. Normally I just ignore these, but out of curiosity I thought I would do a quick check.

Screenshot (77).png


Screenshot (79).png

Um, no you didn't upvote me, liar:

Screenshot (81).png

Nor did you follow me:

Screenshot (80).png

So I guess the question is, do we flag people like this to try and stop the trend? I don't flag except for blatant copy/paste plagiarism, scamming, and forgotten NSFW tags (although I warn nicely and remove flag when fixed) but this has me seriously considering it.

This could get out of hand, imagine if your junk email folder was combined with your inbox, SPAM is such a waste of valuable time.



with the big influx of new users alot of pain comes to the platform aswell. Your example is a very good one. I saw similar things massive unrelated comments begging to follow and upvote, it´s so ugly cheap and wrong. I saw a new girl coming in spamming all sides and taking a 1500$ stories from @officialfuzzy from last week, copy/paste it change some words until original meaning of the story is gone or wrong. Then spamming all over comment section completely unrelated to the content to upvote her plagiat-puke. I don´t want to see some of the traditional spamming techniques here on Steemit. It is not nessesary and we have the power to lock ridicolous scammy things out of Steemit. originalstory officialfuzzy: copycat&spam:

I think it's best to flag them if they lie. It's abuse and that's what the flag is for so their reputation is lowered. At least, that's what I believe Dan and Ned said in an interview once.

Great points... A flag in this case is protecting other users from future abuse. Thanks @chessmonster

exactly !

Man that sucks. I was going to do a post about hot people are now "upvoting for upvotes" from facebook over here. Such a waste of time. smh Its exactly like youtube "sub for subs" Total fake audience.

You are exactly right, there is 0 value to an unauthentic audience.

Yeah its fake growth and they wont even continue to follow because they will not be genuinely interested in your topics.

I wrote a post about the "follow me" idiots this morning. Then I went through my followed list and cleared out over 200!

I should clear mine out as well! Thanks Rich

You bet! I went through the list and was going "Who the heck is that???"

Haha, makes sense.. I am sure I have a ton I can unfollow. I bet there are a lot from the early days no longer here.

Probably! You were in there (the ones I kept) We haven't spoken in a while- But I saw your name and thought... It's the cigar guy! I thought of you when writing a story I was working on... A guy's boss bought him a box of Ghurka's ($23,000)

Haha, yes that is me! The cigar guy...Which reminds me I have to complete a review shortly.

Oh my... the overpriced Ghurka!

I unfollow a bunch from time to time. Give most people a test drive and then out, until I want to refollow. But I also keep a "favorites" list in, that I read outside of my followers list.

Busy doesn't want to recognize my password so fuck 'em!

huh? If that's really the case then I'd report it to them.

when someone begs for upvotes, it would be good to automatically replace ‚‚upvote me" with "jet fuel cant melt steel beams"

or "The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people"

Now that is something to think about! 😄

it would look like ‚‚hey greg, this is really inspiring article. if you have time, check out my latest blog about zebras in america. and THE PRODUCTION OF TOO MANY USEFUL THINGS RESULTS IN TOO MANY USELESS PEOPLE pls! i upvoted you already"

I don't know..This is obviously liar and spammer.If this is all he posts,nothing else,i guess the flag is ok.

I haven't flagged him, yet..., but if this practice becomes the norm on Steemit, then people tend to think it is ok and participate themselves, then the practice goes viral... not sure what the solution is.

My guess is,that he collects as many followers as he can,what will he do whit this account when he reaches enough followers?I don't know.Maybe he will start posting good posts,and this is strategy to get upvotes from followers.Or he plans to spam people later on "for real"..who knows. :)Anyway,spammers can't survive on Steemit,auto flag bots will "kill" them.My best guess is,that this is strategy to get more upvotes in future. :)

Hmmm, great points on their potential strategy. Or perhaps he will sell the account in the future.

Anyway, the spam is one thing, but lying about upvoting and following 🙄

Unfortunately this is happening too often!

That user has continued to plagiarize since joining..

I think flagging is justified based on their history.. Steemcleaners has warned the user multiple times

Ahhhh, this is good to know, thanks for the info!

think I'll use the possibility to flag more often. I even think Steemit shold make better tools to filter out unwanted rats.

Downvote them if you want to. It's up to you really. Do they deserve it? Yes imo.

Thanks for your opinion! 👍

I was asked to follow someone the day before yesterday. Some how he replied to my comments that I made on two unrelated posts asking me to follow him. Creepy. I would flag especially if he's lying.

Yeah it is getting out of hand. I flagged him

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