in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I've only been in the crypto space since earlier this year,

although it was also something I was hearing about and watching, due to my friend's early EARLY interest and adoption of Bitcoin. Unfortunately, I wasn't really in a position income-wise to really have an ability to invest (although in hindset, $100 would've been super profitable if I invested when I first learned about BTC, but whatever I didn't think that way at the time haha), until this year. Completely thanks to STEEMIT! Seriously.

I first heard about Steemit and the Steem blockchain

from @mrwolf, and I immediately knew I had to get involved. It was a great, new community, without the trappings and annoyances of Facebook, Instagram or even Reddit sometimes. I went home that night and made an account. My account was authorized within a couple hours, which wasn't the case for some friends who had also signed up, so I already was having a great experience, haha.


I love writing music and writing about music,

and I knew exactly what I was going to do. I started sharing my own music, and favorite artists of mine, and giving a more in depth explanation of the music theory behind these songs. I went to the University of Nevada, Reno for a year and a half as a Music Composition major, but I changed majors by the second year. I didn't particularly enjoy the people in the music department, and probably wasn't really technically at a performance level like many of them, but I learned a lot that year and a half.
Going back to the basics of theory was so helpful since I was older at the time, and the math completely made sense to me. Bach Chorales and counterpoint opened my ears to hearing these progressions in metal, Iron Maiden was a particularly important band to help me play by ear. I have just been writing songs since then, sometimes in bands, mostly on my own, and just trying to always do something new and expand my knowledge of music generally. Some songs suck, some are weird, some are fun, some are depressing, but I think they're all important in enjoying the learning process.

Which brings me back to Steemit!

I have learned SO MUCH, just from going back and analyzing my own songs, it really is a lot of fun. I am able to see decisions I made, and explain why they work (or sometimes don't lol) harmonically, rhythmically and melodically. It's also amazing to be able to support other musicians with an actual reward, and be rewarded for sharing something I really love to do.


But what about divesting and CHRISTMAS?!

Because of Steemit, I've been able to save up and divest into other coins and tokens that I've been interested in for a long time! That has actually been reasonably profitable for me in the short term, but I'm holding; playing the long game lol. However, I've also been able to take some Steem and actually buy some good gifts for family and friends this year! That's something that really is cool. The last few years Christmastimes have been not so good for me, I wasn't working for a while due to a broken femur (long story haha), so cash was pretty tight. It's great to be able to actually get good gifts for my family, and I am really grateful to the Steemit Community for helping to accomplish this!


So Thank ALL of You,

I really appreciate everyone who has ever upvoted, commented, replied, promoted, or resteemed a post of mine, you guys are the Holiday Heroes. Being able to contribute to this community and be supported in my efforts has been such a good time, and I hope to continue to share my music and ideas, and support others who do the same, far into the future. There really is a revolution happening here, and I am so stoked to be a part of it. Keep supporting each other, and let's keep the community growing. We can change lives and contribute to something truly amazing! Thanks for reading!



wow merry xmas. When will Joe Rogan start talking about steemit on his show. Everyone write into Joe Rogan and request this topic.

Merry christmas my friend , wishing you well for the future too.

@grapthar, I am new at Steemit, but really appreciate this post. Makes me go back to my punk and anime days before going to college. I was a huge metal fan. :) Great minds think alike!

Steemit saved my Christmas too I cashed out a bunch of 10 dollar SBDs and bought my niece a great gift.

Haha yes, for real, the high SBD has been amazing haha. That's awesome! I was stoked to actually give some gifts for once lol. I was always the "I don't do gifts for anyone, just a rule" guy but really I was just broke guy.

These are stories of success!

This is what the Holiday season is all about! Steemit! Terrific posting and the continued efforts to improve the community. Have a happy winter.

Praise the Winter Man!

@grapthar This is a beautiful story and one of the many reasons I love it here on the Steem blockchain. I am amazed at how it has allowed me to save and earn more than I have ever in my life. As an artist the pay in between projects makes things get tough but because of steem and what I have learned from others here I have turned my year around and have started mining crypto as well as investing. I think the future is really bright when you think that we can send steem with no fee to each other. My goal for 2018 is to get all of my friends and family on steem. Next christmas is going to be epic this one is already awesome!

Hell yeah! I really love Steem, we are creating an amazing community here. I'll give you a follow so I can support your stuff!
It's really great being able to share one's art and passions and be rewarded for it, rather than trolled and harassed like a lot of other social media... Steemit is so positive, I really dig that aspect of it.

Calling all artist calling all creatives calling all humans. Steem is ready come and get it. I started following you to it is indeed a beautiful place to be original.

good luck my friend spirit continues.

love this. Giving gifts is the best, glad you're able to use your steemit for some good in the world.

Thanks! me too, it's pretty awesome! The futuuuuureeee haha

OHYEAH! haha

It seem like you really enjoy yourself and I can't wait to hear more about it

i sure do! Steemit is the best!

My steemit experience, i'm work lot's of cryptocurrency but i'm not impress. But steemit platform very very good and amazing. i'm impressed of steemit.

Yep! Me too! Its really great.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63281.14
ETH 2674.11
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79