The USSA & your freedom

in #steemit7 years ago

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Police steal more now than all burglars combined.

Your stuff, and money can be stolen from you by authoritites for merely protesting what Government does.

Your fiat Dollars can be stolen from you, if you commit the horrific "Crime against Society" of having a broken tail light. They can empty your bank accounts for doing this horrible thing!

Your children can be "Locked in a Government cage" for having a lemonade stand!

If you try to prevent Government from installing a surveillance device on your own home... They will drag you away in hand cuffs.

If you try to use anything other than the Central bank controlled currency.... If you insist upon financial privacy... You will be locked away.

If you refuse to buy THEIR water and electricity.... You're hauled away to a cage. Trespassing on your OWN PROPERTY!!!

You can be locked away for collecting the rain water that falls on your own property.

DO NOT attempt to grow your own food!!!

When the "Too Big to Fail" Banks - fail..... YOUR RETIREMENT SAVINGS will be taken from you to pay for THEIR screw ups.

Once they have taken EVERYTHING from you, when you are left homeless... They will KILL you for being homeless.

They'll give themselves a "Paid Vacation" for doing it.

Every keystroke on your computer, and every phone call you make is being monitored. They invade 80,000 homes a year, often getting the wrong address, and KILLING innocent people. They aren't held accountable.
Surveillance cameras.jpg

They will have no remorse for killing Half a MILLION Children!!!

They gave this Woman the "Medal of Freedom"!!!

They have given themselves the authority to EXECUTE YOU without a trial, without an attorney, and no Jury of your peers... Despite the fact that you are a citizen. They'll even *EXECUTE 16 YEAR OLD CHILDREN!!!

Soooo tell me how they are protecting your freedom? How it's a free country?
question authority.png


Waking people up is like trying to fix stupid. We have either started down the rabbit hole and get it....or....we're trying to show others the truth and it's the deer in the headlights scenario.

Maybe this great post will help.

Cognitive Dissonance.

It becomes really evident when you try to awaken family. It's hard to break a mold that has been in the making for so long!

Nice video and Photo,can Upvote my photo please !

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