in #steemit6 years ago

I live in a World where I was recently subjected to a Week of Pomp and Circumstance over the death of a "Past "President"

While everyone forgot that he dropped 8 MILLION pounds of depleted uranium on innocent Iraqi Civilians, and waged
economic warfare that eventually killed HALF A MILLION CHILDREN all so his oil buddies could get rich.
starving child.jpg

No one cares....

I live in a World where People were recently losing their S#$T over a supposedly sexist 74 year old Christmas Song.

At the same time their Politicians were taking their money, and using it to bomb School Buses full of Children.
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Happy f$%king Holidays....

I live in a World where Politicians just gave a $53 BILLION tax break to the richest Family in the Country...

Now they're threatening to take your Social Security away to pay for it.

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I'll bet you've been ignoring this.

I live in a World where Police steal more from Citizens than ALL Burglars and Muggers put together.


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I guess you don't care until it happens to you....

I live in a World where my Guberment started two wars based on lies, and my share (Total cost divided by number of US taxpayers) is $19,634.00... No one is angry.

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You have to pay this also!!!!

I live in a World where HALF (Half) of everything regular people make from their Job, is TAKEN from them at Gun Point in the form of taxes, and governmental fees.

Don't believe me.... Try refusing to pay.
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Nothing to see here... Move along.... Move along.

I live in a World where people are ready to kill each other over "Partisan" bulls$%t, and whether a "Wall" should be built.

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Meanwhile a coffee bean picker in Honduras makes 14¢ an hour, and the CEO of Starbucks makes $5,528.00 per HOUR!

Doesn't matter as long as you can get your Grande, Iced, Sugar-Free, Vanilla Latte With Soy Milk.... Right?

It's easy to chastise me for always "Bringing up my Politics", or walk away and ignore what I'm trying to expose you to. It's easy to simply dismiss me as a "Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy Nut Job", as long as you don't have to face real facts.

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But are you really just thinking what You're TOLD to think???
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You can't hide forever!!!

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