Collapse before rebirth.

in #steemit7 years ago

I'm quite convinced that in order to rebuild, you must first tear down.

Automation is certainly poised to change the World. Many will lose their jobs.... I don't see "Universal Income" ever taking shape, because it will rely on centralized control, and Statism to operate it. Gubernment has to write the checks, and Gubernment is failing!!! They cannot place ANYTHING into effect without yielding to their lust for power, control, and extortion.

INSTEAD!!! Imagine a World where Governments become ---> "Failed States"!!!

People start understanding that Statism is a radical cult religion (Why do you think they call it "Cult--ure"??) This concept of a superhuman State is pounded into us from day one. Certainly from the first day of Kindergarten. We must obey authority.... Authority isn't trustworthy. It always manipulates for it's own good, rather than the people it supposedly represents.

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INSTEAD! Imagine a World, where Authority - is stripped of it's authority. One where transactions are made completely trustworthy by block chain technology.

INSTEAD! Imagine a World, where the enforcers of Government are not empowered, because (As Cartman on South Park would say.) no one respects their "Authoritiiii". In such a World, much of Government would not be necessary. I hear people extol the virtues of free market all the time. We don't have free market, we have "Predatory Capitalism"!!!!!


This coercive power is and always has been used to extract from the meek. (Ask yourself what happened to the property, and businesses of those that the Nazis murdered?) - Always follow the $$$ -.

The radio shock jock Alex Jones has said that Mexico for example, is a ""Failed State"". In Mexico, no - there isn't any Universal Basic Income, but you can set up a booth and sell your handicrafts on any street corner without a license (Excuse to tax which - is really extort - At gunpoint.) Children can have a lemonade stand without fear of repression. You will not be imprisoned for living "Off Grid", hooking a rain barrel to your eaves trough, or growing a garden in your front yard. (Failed State??)

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New technologies are coming. Currencies that don't have a flag attached to them (No not one World stuff.... That's the IMF, and Special Drawing Rights.) I'm talking about independent currencies with every transaction copied thousands of times around the World. "THEY" cannot erase your wealth or take it away on a whim. Now, your credit cards can be Locked out by "Them",
Your vehicle can be electronically locked out, and your very existence wiped away with a few key strokes.(Bitcoin just reached $4,400!!!)

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There's light at the end of the tunnel!!!

Imagine a World where Corporations don't have exclusive rights to an "Epi-pen" because how to make one, is open source technology available to anyone. You can 3D print one for pennies. The enforcers of the State won't force exclusive rights to profit on an $800 price increase, because the State will be ""Failed"". Yes, I see collapse, but what comes of it is very exciting indeed!!!

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