Thank you for your support my dear followers, you are now 500 !steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Yesterday we've reached 500 great members of Steemit following my humble contribution.

A huge thank you everyone !

Now that we've celebrated and spoken briefly about this milestone, we can get back to think about Steem going to the moon as we like to do!

There is something you can do to reach the stars! There is a poll at the moment on tweeter to decide which cryptocurrency will be added to BTCC ( a big China exchange ). The competition is tough with Ethereum but it seems that we could win! We need every vote possible.

It's super easy; you just have to follow the link and upvote it with your twitter account. 5 sec of your time maximum.

Here is the link :

Here is a blog explaining the whole thing:


Congrats on getting all the followers :D
today i made same post about 500 followers too :D

That's amazing man ! Congratulation !!!

Let's have some fun ! Here is a big fat vote to celebrate my milestone !

thank you :D
here 500 followers latte art for you :D Cherss....

Hmm tatsy ! Thank you !

Congrats !

you just have to follow the link and upvote it with your twitter account. 5 sec of your time maximum.

If the Steem community is good at something, it's voting !

Yeah, we are good at it !

Congratulation man!
Steem on!

Steeeeeeeeem on !!!

Let's have some fun ! Here is a big fat vote to celebrate my milestone !

Thanks. That indeed is fat.
Also I was quite lucky enough to recieve some glitter love on my posts before. So thanks for that too.
You're the best!!

No Rahul, YOU are the best ! I'm only at the second place !

Everyone is the best..
Cool now?

Wasn't expecting that, you got me by surprise on that one !

161,895 best steemers ... it's a lot !

Ok, we're cool !

And the number is growing..

mazel tov ;)

Mazel tov !

Let's have some fun ! Here is a big fat vote to celebrate my milestone !

@glitterfart, beers on you tonight. Congratulations my favorite steemit user name.

You are a bit too far for me to pay you a beer but ...

Let's have some fun ! Here is a big fat vote to celebrate my milestone !

@glitterfart, that is one extremely fat and juicy upvote. What's it like my friend? I so appreciate the very generous upvote and I still want that beer down the road. Steem On Dude!

What's it like my friend?

Just felt like a normal mouse left click ... but with a bit of happiness inside knowing I'm sharing some SBD with my followers ;)

I still want that beer down the road

You will have it down the road and also down the throat ! We just have to meet on the same Steemit event ... easy game !

good job. Keep up the good work ;)

Thanks ! Let's have some fun ! Here is a big fat vote to celebrate my milestone !

wow :D how do you get so much steem power? you upvote my comment and I get 3.5$ XD thanks man ;)

I've traded cryptos for a little more than 2 years and I did well. I took most of it and bought Steem.

Crazy move ? Yes
Good move ? We'll see !

Uf.. yeah I hope you succeed ;) good luck

Awesome that steem is mooning :)

That's making me very happy !

I strive to spread happiness :)

Glad to be one of the 500! Keep up the great work... and I've voted on all of my twitter accounts for STEEM!

Glad you did, we can do it. Steemit will good so far beyond the moon if we are listed on that exchange !!!

Let's have some fun ! Here is a big fat vote to celebrate my milestone !

Thanks! That exchange would be a huge step... just beating ETH in the poll shows our collective power.

That's the spirit, Steemit beating ETH would bee huge !! ETH have 40x more market cap than us !

Let's have some fun ! Here is a big fat vote to celebrate my milestone !

Congrats @glitterfart! Hey I send you a pm on the official Steem chat. Let's have a chat if you ever get there. Have fun and like you said TO THE MOON!

Could you send me the link for the chat, I haven't been there in months and I'm not sure where/which it is ...

Here's the link to the official chat or my Facebook profile if you prefer! Take care @glitterfart and Steem on!

Congratulations on this great achievement always @glitterfart

I haven't did it all by myself, each and every one of my followers did 0.2% of the job. So did you !
Thanks man !

Let's have some fun ! Here is a big fat vote to celebrate my milestone !

Yes, I'm glad to hear that ..
I always support, if that's the best for you.
Thank U @glitterfart

Congratulations! :D Happy to be one of those :)

Happy to have you following me, Steem on !!!

Let's have some fun ! Here is a big fat vote to celebrate my milestone !

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57849.42
ETH 3122.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43