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RE: The Top Five Most Relevant Witnesses On Steemit? Good Question

in #steemit6 years ago

I surprised you're suprised (though not too surprised) that I chose who I chose. And I would actually point out that the people I chose aren't just all about engagement, which is important, but about the welfare and long term health of the STEEM ecosystem. It's the whole enchilada, not just an aspect of it. Where they do a lot of their work might have to do with curation and engagement, but it's all done with a greater purpose.

Okay, stepping away from the Kool-Aid. Not sure what came over me there.

Yeah, I pretty much figured my parting shot wouldn't go very far, but hey, whatchagonnado?


Ha ha, yeah, I get your point. For me, engagement is one of the main things that is going to make Steem successful. You can have all the cool gadgets you want, but if there's no one around to use them, your price isn't going anywhere. I do think those are still good choices though and they'll help the long-term growth.

Parting shots of Kool-Aid? Still a little early in the day for that. :D

Not sure what you put in your Kool-Aid, but I can drink mine anytime.

Actually, I can't think of the last time I actually drank Kool-Aid. Do they even still make it? I can't even say I've seen a commercial for a while.

That and Tang. Do they still make that? What about Sunny D? My wife used to bring that home but I haven't seen it either. Straight up OJ now, whassupwiththat?

It might be because our boys left and she didn't think I needed the extra sugar or whatever stuff they jazz it up with. Always thinking about me, she is. :)

Oh, I can actually drink my Kool-Aid any time. It has water and water in it. That's my favorite drink (as measured by volume consumed).

I cant' remember the last time I had actual Kool-Aid either. I imagine they still sell it as it was highly popular and nostalgia has a powerful affect on people. I don't know if they advertise. I don't watch many ads.

I did drink Tang when I was hiking. I would have one bottle of that and one of water. I'd normally go through the Tang first. I never drank Sunny D. It was just sugar water. I like orange juice. I prefer it with a bunch of pulp, but I defer to the wife who likes it without the floaties.

That sounds like your wife is looking out for you. There is a lot of added sugar in most of our foods. Even Greek Yogurt has a bunch of added sugar. It baffles me why someone would want to eat that much of it, but it makes sense for the companies. According to a doctor I went to, sugar is 80 times as addicting as cocaine. (I've never tried cocaine, so can't compare.) If the company adds it to their product and it makes your brain happy, you're more likely to buy it again, even if it's not good for you. I think that's the idea at least.

Yeah. I'm happy to report that she loves me (at least for now) for more than just the life insurance. :)

I've heard about the sugar addiction deal, but it's not banned, so there must be more money in sugar than in cocaine, which is hard to believe, since we have an ongoing war on it. However, I guess if the government isn't taxing it, you have to wage war on it, or ban it, but if the government can regulate and tax it, keep it.

I honestly don't pay that much attention to how much sugar goes into things. There's so much of some kind of sugar in nearly everything we eat that we'd end up eating primarily vegetables, and not the ones everyone likes to eat, either. I know there's different kinds of sugars, and some are better and naturally occurring, but it's still sugar. Carbs break down into a form of sugar. Fruits, lots of sugar. I think by the time it's all said and done you're down to some celery, kale, and maybe some parsley. :) I'd add Romaine lettuce but that apparently can kill you quicker. :)

When that life insurance money starts looking more attractive, watch out! Ha ha.

I believe the sugar lobby is very strong in the USA. That's probably one of the reasons. And I imagine there are a lot of taxes on it to help compensate for the tariffs on incoming sugar.

I find myself eating more and more vegatables as I continue to find the high levels of sugar in foods that don't need them. Yeah, it's more the added sugar that i try to stay away from. And things like apple juice which is just sugar water with all the fiber removed.

I think the Romaine lettuce thing was e coli related, but I think that is done with. Besides, what are your other options? Green leaf and spinach? :)