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RE: What Was That Food Challenge

in #steemit6 years ago

For some reason, we don't have lettuce this year. Maybe because the stuff we grew last year all went to waste because I wasn't constantly picking it? I'm sure it's my fault somehow. I'm male, it must be my fault. And I'm not the only one. :)

It was a good salad. It's just expensive to buy from Red Robin. Well, everything is expensive at Red Robin, but salads should never cost more than $5 at most. It's salad. I know it's a supply and demand thing, but when they see a guy buying salad, it should be half off. "Sorry, dude. We feel you. Here's your discount." I would happily eat more salad if that were the case. :)


It grows fairly quickly, so even if you don't have any planted right now, if you have room, you could still get a good crop out by the end of summer. I planted a variety called Burpee Bibb and it's not working out. It has all kinds of spots and stuff in it. I need to get out there later and pull it up so I can plant more Romaine.

My wife mainly has me take the lead on the garden project as well. Granted, I was the one who spearheaded it originally, so I guess that means it's mine to manage in perpetuity. Heh.

Red Robin, aka The Dirty Bird is always expensive. If I'm going to get a salad, I like Panera Bread's Apple chicken salad. That's pretty good. I think it would be great if guys got 1/2 off salads as a consolation. That would be nice. I already sort of get that deal as my wife doesn't mind splitting food with me, so if we go to a restaurant, it's not uncommon for us to order one thing and split it. 1/2 off! :D

It would be nice to kind of stagger that because the lettuce came on all at once and rather early compared to a lot of the rest of the garden, so maybe had we planted some and then as that got close to be picked maybe put in some more, that would have been better.

My wife and I aren't quite at the stage (it's only been 29.5 years) where we like what the other is eating, except she will ask for a bite of my food almost every time we go while I may end up finishing some of hers if I'm still hungry and she allows it. :)

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