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RE: Minnow #541,753—Monthly Report: September

in #steemit6 years ago

Well, thanks, @themanwithnoname. I know I am making progress, it just feels like a slug stuck in molasses during an ice age.

re: investment

Well, it was nice to see my SP more than double for a little over a third of what I'd previously paid. Then, of course, I'd wished I'd waited to buy the first rounds. So, I ran the emotional rollercoaster gamut in about 3.5 seconds, got over it and only think about it when it gets brought up. :)

Considering that my first STEEM purchase was at over $6, I'm waaaaay glad to bring that average down. Would like to see it get down farther, but that means $0.25-$0.50 STEEM, and at this point, I'd just rather it go up.

re: rewards

That has been nice. Speaking of which, I need to come up with another post for today. Always something. :)


it just feels like a slug stuck in molasses during an ice age.

Ha! I know what you mean. Think back to when we were just starting though! It was even worse then. Sometimes I think you'd be one of my only votes. I'd often have posts pay out with only $0.02 - $0.03. Those were really slow times.

I've recently made some investments that I could have gotten for even less if I had waited. It's hard to know when the "perfect time" is to buy, so you just have to make a determination if you think it's a good investment, and then buy. You might be right, you might be wrong. Either way, you made a decision and moved on it. Still, I'm sorry you didn't get a better price.

It seems like the price is dropping to $0.80, so it could go even further. Could be another great buying opportunity!

Yes, having the greater rewards has been nice. I've been enjoying seeing my account grow a bit recently. I've been doing two posts a day with the Steem Monsters stuff and that has helped quite a bit. Are you planning on getting involved with it at all?

Never say never, I guess, but at this point, I'm not that motivated to do it. It's certainly not going to suffer without me. It's got a lot of buzz and a lot of backing and a built in following.

It's truly amazing, actually, and a testament to what this community could do if it wants to. I wish it would focus on more long term things, but hey, it's a start. And maybe STEEM Monsters will last longer than I think it will and people will actually manage to see their digital cards make money rather than become worthless.

That's alright if you're not jumping in. It took me a while to get involved. We haven't actually started playing yet, so I don't even know if I'll be good at it. For the time being, I'm counting on being able to borrow card from Dave McCoy to play. The ones I have aren't good enough to compete.

I haven't put a lot of money into Steem Monsters. I guess it's probably around 7-10 Steem in all. I had to buy the starter pack which was 6 Steem at the time. So far I've been making a decent amount off my Steem Monsters posts, so I think it has paid for itself. I'm not sure how much I'm going to put into buying/building decks. We'll see. Part of it depends on how well I can do and what the rewards are.

I guess this Sunday is when the fighting starts, and that as a means to check the system and ensure that it's working properly? Anyway, I wish everyone well in this. And now that I've won a card pack, I guess I need to figure out what they might be worth and how much I can get for them.

From what I understand, yes, the fighting starts Sunday. I'm honestly not that excited for it at all. Because they have only let a select few people try the game out, I don't even know how to build a team or what cards to use. I'll probably get into it eventually, but it won't be right out of the gate. I think they did themselves a disservice by not allowing everyone to play.

Once you open the pack, let me know and I can give you an idea. There's also a "Market" tab where you can look through and see current sale prices.

When I go to the Steem Monster site and click login, it asks me for my username and STEEM key. There's not an option I can find to use steemconnect. I've even tried to go directly through steemconnect, but there's not a way to do that, either.

I'm okay with trusting steemconnect, but I'm not all that keen on putting a private key into another site.

re: fighting

It seemed like they could have let more people in. Maybe that's what this new round is all about, since everything is still in beta stage and looking for equilibrium. I don't know how it's all supposed to work, period, thus my lack of involvement.

I'm in no way trying to cast aspersions on those who are, so no shade coming from me. When I'm asked, though, I have to say nope, not going to get involved (if I have any say in the matter.:)

My bad, man. I hadn't done it in a while and thought it was Steem Connect. Maybe that's an option they'll introduce soon. It is only the posting key, so if someone from SM misuses it, the worse they can do is post garbage on your blog. That could be damaging though, so I get not wanting to use it. No worries.

I don't think the powers that be in SM are trying to prevent people from using it or create an unfair advantage for certain users. They just had limitations on how many people could use it. As such, many didn't get to. It's fine. We'll see how things shake out once the tournament opens.

Hey, it looks like you got involved in Steem Monsters quicker than you thought!


Yeah. Sigh. It seems there things on STEEM that are as inevitable as death. :)

Any idea how I'm supposed to "pick" these up? Do I have to go and signup for them on the STEEM Monsters site? I read through the post again to see if I could find instructions for claiming them, but didn't see it the two times I read through.

Ha ha!

Well, you can use my referral link to sign up.

(Full disclosure: I get a 5% kickback if you choose to buy and packs after signing up with my link. If you don't, I don't get anything. It doesn't really matter to me either way, so no pressure at all. I just thought I would clarify what the referral link did.)

You use SteemConnect to log into Steem Monsters with your account. Then you click on "Open" and you should see a pack there. After you open it, you can see what cards you got.

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