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RE: Minnow #541,753—Monthly Report: June

in #steemit6 years ago

I figured I'd better tag you, since you're on Discord quite a bit. It doesn't seem to work for everyone, though. I can tag some other people all I like and nothing happens. You, however, respond, which I greatly appreciate. :)

No, last month's 91-plus was the highest. I came close to matching or exceeding it, though. A few more posts, or a lot more comments, and who knows, maybe I would have reached 100. I wish I could count on the curie trail votes, but I don't see how that's possible.

I wish I felt like I was 14.5 years old energy wise. That would be awesome. I'd want to keep my current emotional state, knowledge and experience, though. And memory. Just up the energy please. :) Oh, I wouldn't mind being rid of the aches and pains, too, if I'm ruthering here.

I'd say it was okay month, too. It's all relative, though. You've been doing much better than me, all things considered. I know, it's comparing apples and oranges when you look at what we're doing, but if we're talking sheer results, you're outpacing many people here. I think that's worth a congratulations to you. :)


I can tag some other people all I like and nothing happens.

Gotta respond, I mean how annoying is it when people don't :D

I wish I felt like I was 14.5 years old energy wise.

Don't we all :)

You've been doing much better than me, all things considered.

If all I did was make daily posts, I doubt I would make as much as you. So I think you got me there by a long shot.

I think that's worth a congratulations to you.


Well, as I think I've told you before, we all need to find our niche, and you've found one at least for the time being. Not all of us are going to be that interested or good at writing just as some of us aren't going to be that great or wanting to find spam, plagiarism or scams. So, we find where we fit in best on the blockchain until something else comes along and we go from there.

I appreciate the response. And yes, it is totally annoying, but I know the universe doesn't revolve around me—I'd be lying on a warm beach somewhere if it did—but I do make a conscience effort to track down every mention I get, even the random ones. But I also don't try to get myself so caught up and involved with so many other things that I don't even see them.

I believe that's what's happening more than just the flat out ignoring. Why have mentions and GINAbot just to ignore it? Get rid of it!

Hey, pjau! On an entirely different note. Not sure if this is braking some protocol or not, but I received a $0.00 downvote from stb138, which I guess is a steemcleaner bot? At least, that's what it's calling itself and it's profile has a link back to steemcleaners.

It's not doing anything, but it's just kind of weird, since I've never been flagged before, that it would happen on a post that is actually the last of a 64 installment series I posted and got curied for a couple of times. :)

No rush, but if it's okay and you get the time, is there a way to find out why this happened, if it is an official steemcleaner bot? Could it also be an accident of some kind?

I also just got another flag for the same amount on the same post from gladiatorwork. Both accounts appear to be new.

The post is here in case you need a reference.

It's currently earning all of $0.74. The only other thing I can think of is that they meant to flag a phisher comment that both guard and arcange marked.

Hey. There's tonnes of accounts pretending to be us at the moment. I've been flagged twice in the past 2 days as well.

Bizarre. What's the point of a $0.00 flag, though? What are they accomplishing, other than making people wonder what's going on and or getting upset? It would seem to me that would be the best way to draw attention to yourself when you might not want attention drawn. So, what are they up to?

I'm not happy this is happening to anyone, but at the same time, I'm glad to find that I'm not the sole target of whatever this is. I've had three flags now in two days. Again, nothing's coming off, but you can't really do anything about it because they're not posting or commenting so there's nothing to flag.

I guess a comment with a mention to see if you can get a response? Any plans in the works to do anything as far as steemcleaners is concerned? Or are they basically on a watchlist as minor annoyances?

It's a group/person (not entirely sure) called The Steemit Defense League. They just have it out for anyone that downvotes people. So their way to deal with it is to make a bunch of fake accounts and pretend to be the people they hate and downvote anyone at random. It's completely pointless and retarded. But nothing anyone can do about it. Best to just ignore it.

We have a list of 70 ish accounts. But feel free to tag me on anything that get flagged. We are trying to get the delegation removed as they are STEEMit created accounts.

Okay. That's all good to know. Steemit Defense League. I wonder why I got hit. I've flagged once, and that was a phisher scam, months ago. It's the only one, and in reality, I'm pretty slow to do it. So, kind of odd all the way around. If it keeps up, I will let you know. I suppose others have already written posts about them, but I might take a crack at it, too, if you don't mind me using the information you've given me. I don't need to use you as the source unless you're perfectly okay with that. :)

Okay, well, I'm glad it's not just me going crazy or being totally out of it that I can't figure out why they would go around downvoting for absolutely no reason with $0.00 flag votes. It's kind of like that Chihuahua or other small dog that likes to nip at your ankles. Not going to do any real damage, but boy, if you could get away with it, you'd boot it across the room. :) Gently, of course.

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