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RE: Minnow #541,753—Monthly Report: September

in #steemit6 years ago

Hey, @gillianpearce.

Thirty thousand what? Comments? Upvotes? Rewards?!?

That would be awesome. However, I suspect you're referring to points. As in 30,000 Engagement league points? If so, I actually probably need 50,000, just to make sure.

If that's not it, though, let me know. I know I don't have another $30,000 USD. :)

I'm hoping October will turn around my STEEM time finally. The last two months have not been all that productive, or for that matter, fun. Surgery and a hard fork that was a rollercoaster ride in disguise are to blame—but still, I need to work on my mindset, too. Don't know how, but I do. There was plenty more I could have done on days where I actually had time that I ended up not doing anything. I flaked. And while that's okay, I guess, it's time to stop flaking.

For me.

Others are free to flake if they feel it best.

And just because I say I need to stop flaking is not a guarantee I will. I have the desire to stop flaking. That's a start. :)


30,000 Engagement league points

Yep. That's what I was referring to @glenalbrethsen. 😁

I have the desire to stop flaking. That's a start. :)

It is indeed. Is there any way I can help you in your non flaking endeavour?

What do you enjoy writing about most? 😊

Well, creating my own stories and offering my opinions are basically what I like to write, which means all kinds of genres and topics can come into play. I think it's more of a time issue, and getting lazy because I haven't been able to accomplish even what I was managing before. There's just a lot that goes into it before you even get to the post part.

And of course, trying to do anything with the Engagement League means you're commenting much more than you would otherwise. But getting an award is a significant part of what I earn here, so I can't just give that up entirely. It's finding the right mix of comment and post production that I haven't mastered yet, even when I was producing more.

I'm not sure how you can help, other than doing what you're already doing. I don't think I need a taskmaster. That only tends to add to the flakiness.

Well, don't tell anyone (I know, we're on a blockchain), but one of these weeks I'm going to get back up there. I'd rather keep it low key, though, because there's a lot of ground to cover and I don't need a lot of fanfare before it even works.

getting an award is a significant part of what I earn here, so I can't just give that up entirely.

same for me. 😁

I don't think I need a taskmaster.

Oooo. I wasn't looking for that role. I'm not here consistently enough for that anyway. 😂

one of these weeks I'm going to get back up there

yay. Glad to hear it @glenalbrethsen. 👏 🏆 🏅

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