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RE: Minnow #541,753—Monthly Report: June

in #steemit6 years ago

I'm glad this report was of some use to you. In my case, joining @abh12345's Curation and Engagement Leagues became my eye opening experience, because that's where I finally had something to compare to what I was doing. And I wasn't doing anywhere enough.

It does take more than what most of us think it will starting out, because we generally don't have anything else to compare it with. Once we do, though, we can get going.

The big enemy then becomes the time we have to dedicate to STEEM and how efficiently we can use that time. I'm constantly being interrupted by one thing or another and it's hard to get in a flow that way. Being creative isn't something, for me at least, that I can turn on and off on demand. It comes and goes seemingly as it pleases.

I do hope, though, that you find your footing and then go for it. Being a part of the freewrite contests and having a goal to post every day are definitely two steps in the right direction. In the early stages, and since you're basically starting anew, make sure you've got plenty of comments going on other people's posts while replying to those on your own. That's really the true way you're going to get eyes on your writing, by interacting with people on theirs. I wouldn't spend more than an hour or two at most on your posts at this point either, and I wouldn't try to do more than one or two a day. Less may be better. If there aren't any eyes on it, all the work won't be rewarded, but you still need something out there. It's a balance, and finding it can be hard. So can keeping it, which is what I'm finding out. :)

We all need to figure out what works best for us. While I'm giving some advice, you're obviously not obligated to take it. Whatever ends up working for you best will be your own approach, and it will probably take some trial and error and then dedication to get there.


Thanks so much for replying. I appreciate the advice.

You're right, finding the time to dedicate to steem is really where the challenge is. That's why I'm focusing on the freewrites at the moment. It's easier to find a few minutes of my day to complete the freewrite, than writing longer articles. At least this way I have no excuse to not post. I'll also try to be more active commenting on other's blogs.

I agree with you, the key is really to find a balance between the posting and commenting. I didn't realize this before, but now I get how they build on each other. When I was here the first time, I wrote 1 blog post and 86 comments. It wasn't a good ratio because the people I interact with had nothing to read on my blog. I'm trying to balance them this time around.

Thanks again.

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