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RE: Breaking Facebook's bonds

in #steemit7 years ago

Slider bar?? Is that what happens when you get more steem power? I've been wondering what poeple mean by "x-percent vote." As far as I know, I'm only capable of voting at one "level of power:" 100% (or whatever the blue bar indicating my level happens to be, as per


Once you get 500 SP, you can choose the % of your vote, so that you can have more to go around. So say you vote a lower % on comments and a higher percent on blog posts, or you give a high vote to favorites, etc., so you don't run out your vote power as fast. Also, once your vote is super powerful, this is how a whale could give you a few bucks or a hundred.

I think I kinda get it--geez 500 SP though?! That's a lot... I'm at 15 lol and over half of that is "delegated." today is three weeks, i think. How do some people grow so fast?? I've seen fellow steemians who started around the sam etime w wayyyy more sp than I do--and I feel like ive been doing pretty alright for myself here! lol (then again, ive seen the opposite too: way less points..). I heard someone say that if you havent been "successful" here within two months, you're probably not going to be. I just don'tknow how to gauge this supposed "success..." What is an "average" level/time? I guess the only answer is to ask others about thier experience, unless there is some other metric provided that helps newer members gauge how far along they are/ should be, etc. just to give us an idea.

I don't know that there is an average. A lot of people zoomed past me, but they had the luxury of dedicating all their rewards to building SP or buying Steem with fiat while I needed to cash out for bills. But then just recently I was delegated 500 SP (I was ~250 when it happened). Just keep chuggling along and being active is my advice!

So, would you suggest, as someone who does consider themselves as being pretty active on steemit, it being wise to focus on building up SP; therefore making one's contributions that much more prevalent / significant? Is that kinda how that works? And I still can't seem to get a grip on the whole "curation" deal--is it necessary to be at a certain level of something or other to even gain proceeds from curation? Thank you for your replies...

Yes, SP is really the key: to getting seen, to having your upvotes count more, to getting better curation rewards, for leveling up! It's an investment that will make your future Steeming more profitable, if you can manage it!

Nice. I like it: bieng active.... I guess I have FINALLY, after many years being not very active online, fallen into the Internet realm lol; at least, by way of beoming involved socially in some way. Never really took to fb, or anything for that matter (unless you count wayyy back in the day, the AOL chatroom days ahahah!). But steemit has pulled me in! I just hope I'm able to "find my niche," so to speak, while engendering a mutually beneficial environment. Oh, and it is my solid goal to be able to pay just one "bill" with any amount of prceeds from steemit!! lol that would be awesome haha

I have paid my electric bill three times, and the first time I did it I was like, I CAN'T BELIEVE I COULD PAY THIS BECAUSE OF BEING ONLINE! 😁

My feeling is that curation (posting on threads of other's posts) has helped increase my following. 75% of a post's earnings goes to the author and 25% to the curators. So if you have upvoted early (say 20 minutes) on a post that does well reward wise you can make a nice reward yourself.

Oh... interesting!! Thank you for that tid-bit. i did not know that, but , it makes sense!! I have tried that in the past, though: creating one post, which them sort of combines or "leads to" at least a couple of other related posts (on steemit). But do the curtated posts necessarily have to be steemit posts, or can they be anything? Either way: I don't think I earned any "curtion points" for any of those type posts. The only time I got curation was for, like you said, I upvoted a post which later did well (or, I guess it did, that's why I got points lol)

Exactly.... for steem blockchain posts at least. At one point about a third of my rewards was coming from curation rewards.

Just checked and it is still 34%. You can find the breakdown at:

Wow its 43% of your earnings at the moment. Nice!

Hmm... that was a very interesting page / metric!! So cool what all you can do with all this data.. wow. That being said, I'm still a bit confused as to how to interpret it: Like, how do they get the total account USD value e.g., $61... I only see my wallet being close to $25 or something... and what is the "potential growth" mean? And under the "most loyal," does an "upsteem" mean that person re-steemed one of your posts, perhaps?? Sorry for all the questions lol, thanks for your help!!

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