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RE: Neds Lay Off Post - Worst Case Scenario

in #steemit6 years ago

I didn't watch the livestream @glenalbrethsen but I've read a few summaries of what was said which mostly seem to say there isn't much of a plan.

As you say, I'm wondering what they've been spending all that time and money on this past year. But I'm not wondering much. it all seems as clear as mud to me and I can't predict the future so I'm not really thinking about it.

I've stopped buying Steem though and Steem Monsters, although the latter was only a couple a day.

I was already reassessing as you know so this is just another piece in that puzzle.

I have a really busy time coming up, until the middle of January. It will be interesting to see where everything is by then.

Until then, I shall just do what ever I do. 😂


Yeah. Steemit Inc.'s announcement and then subsequent livestream doesn't really fill me with confidence over Steemit's future. The question is, can Steemit go down and STEEM still go, and if so, to what extent? I don't know if those are answers that we can say until we get there. I can see some pretty good things coming out of this, and of course, there's enough bad ones to cause one to pause.

I do think we as individual users do have some say in how this is going to go. We can continue to use the platform as we see fit, keep up the time we've been spending, or we can change what we do in varying degrees, including stopping all together.

I've spent the latter part of October and all of November more concerned with my own earnings and less about engagement. I can't say the engagement didn't get me somewhere earlier in the year because it most certainly did. And it should. The problem is, the more people decide to leave the platform, or engage less, that makes it more and more difficult to engage for those of us who are still inclined, meaning wheel spinning in some regard looking for those to engage with.

So, I don't know. I've never been one hundred percent sold on the value of STEEM as solely a social media platform, because that's not how it's truly set up. We talk ad nauseum about making things better, improving discovery content, rewarding just good content, but then spend most of the time spreading our vote around to as many as people as possible who are never going to get the value of what their work is truly worth via hundreds of upvotes that manage to get to $3, if that.

So, I'm still trying to provide original, quality content the best way I know how, and engage with those who will engage with me, and try to keep up with where this flaming ball of crypto rock now as the STEEM blockchain is heading, and try to believe that at some point, the value is bound to go back up.

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