Macro Guide: Growth in Steemit. How to increase your income and your knowledge.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

"Accelerate your knowledge and your growth in this community that is steemit with this macro guide"

Regards Steemianos and Steemianas, I hope you are having a very Happy Steemit. If you are landing on the platform, please read my guides and before any doubt or suggestion, write and I will help you as I can.

You may still be thinking about how to earn more money in Steemit but, I invite you to delve into what you can carry out already.

A phrase that never gets away from my mind while writing an article is "content of value". At the beginning I thought I should do an article that 10,000 people valued. In that way, using "kindergarten mathematics", I had:
1 article x 1 vote per person1 x 10,000 people = $ 100
Today I understand that it is about creating content that can offer value to 10,000 people. It is a totally different concept. In this article I share how to grow exponentially in Steemit. Nothing seems more useful to all of you.

1: Assuming 1 vote = $ 0.01.

I take it out, or it destroys me.
When we speak of "good content" we can refer to a somewhat subjective and ambiguous definition, based on what each one believes is good content or not. To avoid confusion, I dare to emphasize that the good content in Steemit complies with certain basic and advanced parameters. I do not see a better way to expose a starting point that allows us to measure and verify that we are on the right track. Some parameters are:

Good writing and spelling. We know what it is about but, sometimes, we forget that it is vital and necessary. It is necessary to recognize your faults at this point to move forward. Only then can you build short and long term goals around this "little detail".
Cite sources of images and content used in publications. At the beginning I thought it was not necessary to place the origins of the photos, videos, quotes and / or files I was using. Today I see it as something natural since I have practiced it to the point of exhaustion2. It is not enough just copy and paste a link that is the size of a paragraph. I have noticed people who, due to ignorance or laziness, place very long links that do not have any aesthetics. That you must correct it so that we speak of a good content that is based on the details.
Good use of labels. Unlike other social platforms, at Steemit, we use labels to catalog / organize an article within a class or order. You must use the labels respecting the rule "a label defines the topic or points of your article". If your article talks about "food", then use a label that relates to food. When you want your article to be taken into account by some community, we usually use a label for that purpose (this should be consulted with this initiative of support and healing). Access the main page of labels and use the same practice that I use3. It is necessary to recognize when you use them well or badly. This can catapult your articles.
I will leave you in these three parameters as starting point inviting each and every one, to observe them for yourselves in your practice when writing articles. This "either you carry it out, or it destroys you in Steemit".

2: If a voting community does not "pay attention" to you, try to improve these two points and you will see the change, almost immediately.
3: See which are the labels that relate to your article and choose the most popular ones

Depending on your focus, your results will be.
At first my focus was focused, worth the redundancy, to increase my popularity and earn more money. My focus was not on the basics that I understand today. That approach is "create, share, connect the best content you can with perseverance, dedication and perseverance". For those who do not see it clearly, I give you this example:

If all day you are focused on "I must start earning more money in Steemit". Your thoughts revolve around that. If that day your mind tries to create something different, you annihilate it by placing your focus on generating, generating and generating.

It is the million dollar question. I do not lie if I say that that is the key that you must discover in yourself. You must reach a "state" where you can balance both forces. On the one hand you have the scheming mind that takes numbers and is realistic. That mind says "fuck, the salary is not enough". On the other hand, you have the inner creative buddy (call it whatever you want, I'll tell you Peter Pan). Peter pan says "hey well, life has given me an opportunity to invent something new in my life, that something new is to find a way to be successful in Steemit even though the statistics say otherwise

We have talked a lot about the different tests that exist within the STEEM blockchain. On the one hand the work test, on the other hand the brain test. Now, I present the test of time. It is the most difficult of all. All of us who stand firm despite an unfavorable start at Steemit know it. You will know her and you may already be "looking with rage face to face". I ask you that right at that moment is when you should support yourself in what you love to share and write. If what you are writing does not mean anything to you, then the test of time will devour you and make a good digestion with your spirits of Steemer. If instead, you rely on what you love you will survive without a doubt.

Step by step of the Steemer that makes itself.

It is likely that everyone has their ways of solving problems. Here I share a series of steps, as I have managed to climb in Steemit. They do not have to be taken as something lightly, and much less, how the only way. My interest lies in opening your eyes to a wider panorama. After all, you can use them, improve them and share them with others.

1-) Define your topic (s). You must stop your ideas to reflect on the things you love to share. Here you can take two roads. The first one write or express something that you love and deepen based on that. The second way, try to define a way to address many topics in a blog. The latter allows you to vary the topics but it entails much more work.

2-) Establish your current level of management of basic things: web links, image management, markdown language, audio / video management, writing, spelling, etc. I'm citing some key points. You must be very honest with yourself. This will allow you to define goals to improve according to the time you dedicate, to each of those points. Needless to say, many tutorials exist on the internet based on all this.

3-) Read, observe, compare and improve. Once you have made the above points, you can start reading authors that call your attention. This tells you a lot. If we analyze deeply, you are being attracted to people who are probably at a level that you aspire to. You are being "called" by authors who have the success you desire. These authors talk about topics that you probably love. Reading to those people, observing what they do and how they do it, will help you compare what you are doing or "what you are not doing". From this key point, improve what you should improve.

4-) Just publish "good content", promote. It is a vital point above all when we are starting. I still have the level of fish that I own, I never stop promoting in the channels of, Discord servers, etc. It is necessary that you "go out" to promote your content with all possible communities. Only then do you begin to carry out the "test of fire". Many people will tell you how well or how badly you write. That will help you greatly.

5-) Accept criticism and applause. If you love to see how your articles went from $ 0.01 to $ 10, you should love in the same way, when a person put a critical comment, when a community refuses to give your support and when someone gives you a "downvote" (negative feedback) . The "negative" will teach you more than the "positive".

6-) Once you are clear about what the "good content" is, you will be generating money and gaining followers. This moment is key to apply the self-promotion if you want to reinvest in your profile in the long term. Basically, many users are promoting their content in a thousand and one ways. Some create contests. Others create jobs or hearings asking for comments. Some others, we use the "pay-per-vote" or "pay-per-vote" channels. Literally the promotion is the tool that will make you grow exponentially
7-) Support voting and healing communities. Since I've taken my profile seriously at Steemit, I've given myself the task of curing people's content. Although I do not dedicate myself formally, I have noticed that this helps sharpen your profile as a writer or blogger. I advise you that as soon as you have "an acceptable level of knowledge", look for groups to support them in healing and voting. This allows you to become a true connoisseur of what is allowed, what works and its opposite aspects.

8-) Climbing high as a professional in Steemit. There are many areas that you can take advantage of for this, but you will always need to belong to a group / clan / guild / community. Once you feel that you already have a level of knowledge, experience, followers, reputation and very clear goals, you can and should join a weight community that supports you to continue growing.

4: I am very clear that the articles that I promote, have value and contribute in some way, value to the community. I reject the self-promotion of junk items. The good or bad use of this technique will depend on each Steemer.

This "guide" does not pretend to expand your points of view. There is also a step only for people with the profile of investors. This type of person can grow exponentially when investing in STEEM, even though it is not the most common in Latin countries. Another detail that you should consider is that, believe it or not, we will always be investing in Steemit if we take it seriously or as a hobby. We invest time, effort, work and dedication.
I invite you to take the best and leave aside what does not work. It should be noted that it has worked for me and the question is:

Is it possible that it works for you?

''Powering up'' Basically moves STEEM to be used for the Community, and Powering Down STEEM POWER moves it out of the Community to just a Cryptocurrency Form.

To maximize total STEEM POWER applied to posts, users should vote on at least 20 posts per day. Voting on more than 20 posts per day has Exponentially Decreasing Influence on total STEEM Power used.

Why does your STEEM POWER Influence Decreases as I more Actively Engage with Steemit during 24 Hours given Time Period?
This is actually a way to curb Exploitation within System whereby we set limits for those with Great STEEM POWER . Basically, if a Steemit Whale ( User with a lot of STEEM POWER ) keeps Upvoting Content , they are more Entitled to the Distribution of Steemit Reward based on an Algorithm Set of Rules. As they upvote content throughout the Day , each Vote loses more in Value , meaning that they will be Distributing Less of Steemit Wealth under their Influence.

This to me Encourages people to increase their STEEM POWER as there is motive for Social recognition , I don’t really think anyone would invest STEEM POWER just to cash out ! Because it would make more sense to let it Accumulate and to Contribute to a Social Media ( EVERYONE CAN UPVOTE AND POST CONTENT ) which rewards you more in the long run as you Vest more STEEM.

No one Is forcing you to Power up and you don’t Technically need to Power up by investing more Money into it , just Contribute and if your Post is good , your Reward will be split into 50% STEEM DOLLAR the remaining 50% are Rewarded in STEEM POWER.

Now that my friends is what we call a Ponzi Scam , it's not even recognized as a Cryptocurrency because the Blockchain is not accessible by the Public , yet it's a Billion Dollar Scam , where individuals bought the idea of investing into an Upcoming Cryptocurrency .

I know this may be a bad comparison , because a lot Crypto-currency Enthusiasts are laughing at the concept of Onecoin , stating that it's an obvious scam. You see the Investor who bought the idea of the project now promote its Currency to avoid bad publicity , why i'm bringing this up is because the Steemit doesn't seem to have that problem. I don’t really see People complaining that they have invested in more Steem Power . Why would anyone in the first place , when they clearly stated that your Vesting your STEEM in a 2 Year Agreement.

You can still receive back your original investment by Powering down , so it’s not a scam like OneCoin where they practically can’t get any of their Investment back in the first place.
You don’t need money to obtain STEEM POWER , you can get STEEM POWER from Posting Content , this gives the privilege to anyone to obtain STEEM POWER without the need to invest money . You have to work in any Economic System by Contributing , so if you work hard for Steemit as a social blogger you shall gain more financial value.

The Benefits of Vesting your STEEM
Here are some Con's and Pro's I have come up with regarding STEEM POWER


-It’s Instantaneous to Power up your STEEM to STEEM POWER, however Steemit's Developers made it clear in the Whitepaper that you shall receive back your Vest STEEM in 104 Weekly Installments if choose to Power Down.

-Steem Power is Non-Transferable , it only has value within the Steemit Ecosystem . You won't be able to trade it freely like STEEM or STEEM DOLLAR.

-When you Earn Rewards for Posting and Curating, part of this is paid to you in STEEM POWER. You don't need to invest more money in order to Power Up , this allow's anyone to grow STEEM POWER without having to actually Invest Money in STEEM.

-When you have STEEM POWER you're a Shareholder of Steemit with STEEM Tokens , the more you own, the more weight your vote has, the more money your Up-Votes gives and the more your Rewarded for your Contribution. This support's the idea that STEEM POWER Accumulate with Compound Interests , you get Rewarded more as you Invest.

-As a Shareholder , you're Essentially Supporting the Steemit Ecosystem allowing it to Grow

Heard about the Steemit Ecosystem , yeah everyone is comparing it to World's Ocean Ecosystem ,
the more STEEM POWER you have the more Exotic you are as a Sea Creature. There is Less Whales and Dolphins than Minnows , but that doesn't mean you don't stand a Fighting Chance , because you need a proper Foodchain to have a Sustainable Ecocsystem. It being a Social Media , easy for everybody to utilize allow's it to attract a big Audience , potentially the user base of other popular Social Platforms such as Facebook , Twitter and Reddit , who capitalize on Free User Generated Content.

What is Steem Power??

But , what about Whales who have so much STEEM POWER that they assert too much Influence in the Steem Community ?

STEEM POWER at least will grow over time as your more Active within the Community and grow much bigger if you also invest your time & energy to posting good content and upvoting other peoples’ good content on Steemit.
It also gives you a virtual stake in the future growth of Steemit and the STEEM economy, since most of the new currency tokens created are paid out to SP holders.

Follow my Blog and Please Correct me If i'm Wrong , i will make Adjustment !

thanks for your time


Muy buen post, votado y comentado, si desas darle un vistazo a mi recien post de lo agradeceria

muchas gracias @santiagobolivar sigueme ya revise tu publicacion y vote por ella te di una recomendacion :) ponla en practica quizas asi consigas mas votos dale buen uso a las etiquetas porque de ella dependera tu ganancia y tu popularidad

thanks friend @icedrum and publish my new sketches I invite you to see them and if you liked my post give me your vote and resteemed

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