What is the real value of a post?

in #steemit6 years ago

My recent posts were about programming, because programming is something that I take a great interest in. However, it seems that my English Idioms posts were more popular. Of course, that is not surprising, because the English language is a more popular subject than programming for the general audience.

I am trying to create some posts on more general topics, so that they can be useful for a larger percentage of readers. This post is one of them.

I think we should aim at creating a fruitful and pleasant experience for the readers of our Steemit blogs. The more effort we put in, the more value we can create for the reader. An amazing characteristic of the Steemit community, and the general public for that matter, is that there are various kinds of opinions and perspectives. So there is no single norm—there is a spectrum of interests and viewpoints.

Consequently, the point of this post is that the usefulness of a post is not just how much information is put into it, but how much utility it creates for the reader. This is an important consideration, because these two aspects are not always proportional to each other. You may put a lot of effort in a post, but it may not be very useful for the audience, and vice versa.


thanks for the info ,, I agree with you.. but unfortunately i think when the autor isn't powerful their posts haven't got many readers.. and it's not good ,, good luck and steem on :)

Yes, you are right. In My own point of view If we can give quality content then our content will be more popular and we succeed.

Thank you @ghasemkiani for sharing the precious post.

Hello sir, How are you? Ar first I say You are a good writer.
People select various subject for posting. They works with it. Want to try give own content. When a post knock your mind, may be it photograph, blog, writing, about travelling...etc. Then we call it good content. visitors will increased and the value of a post will come in to highest position.

Thank you sir @ghasemkiani for sharing your blog.

Thanks for update informative blog and steeming wonderful article about your experience at #steemit media. Its very great support and help to steemian @ghasemkiani
All the best and keep it up

I missed the idioms session. But i can learn it too. Bcz every education is valuable

Quality, not quantity. I was thinking yesterday also about what my followers are interested in the most, but I couldn't find the answer. I will continue posting what gives me passion and the ones having the same tastes will appreciate. Good luck!

I am professionally a web designer and developer. I will post here about the coding , design & programming of my experience. I think my people helps for my post.

This is not a bad idea to create posts on general topics. I think it's a good move. Because peoples get bored. So it will refresh them. I think readers will love your these posts equally like English idioms.

I think it will be about finding a balance, releasing over time, and adjusting week by week.

My approach is this - release 1-3 posts a week, comment, read, consume, and learn what I like and don't like about each post - and try supercharge my posts with 10000% value so that every single one is a gold mine. I agree with the effort idea, it's the only thing that will make any blog bearable in the long term.

Utility * Joy * Value > Quantity * Spam * Low Effort

I think the topics which do best on Steemit are about the Steemit. How to succeed, get more votes, improve the quality of your posts, get more followers, tricks and tips... And, of course on the topic of crypto world in general.

As I am no way an expert on Steemit or crypto I choose to write about my life, and make people laugh, plus try to motivate and inspire people. I think it is all about writing something you are passionate about and being patient because it takes time to find the right audience.

At least this is my humble opinion. Have a great day. :)

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