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RE: Why SteemIt Should Focus on Curation

in #steemit7 years ago

I did made a similar post that webt into a slightly different direction of how people vote popular people with more power for the sake of getting that extra 0.50$ or more from a "Great post!" Comment. I think once the site is developed with better search engine maybe or a way to at least sort our own posts it might be something that will make the finding of good content somewhat easier. Keep in mind there is a lot of junk on other platforms aswell, even more so because they are bigger.. But in here it is full of people that try really hard to poat 20 times a day, very often quite irrelevant things in broken english. There are surely quite a lot of problems with the platform but there is a lot more to come from it yet. We can only try and give suggestions since at the moment we are all Beta testers still. :)


Yes it's exactly the posting 20 times a day just for the sake of posting that I'm talking about. And maybe it's just me but I don't get why people can't even take the time to edit their posts or use spellcheck! All the spelling and grammatical errors really annoy me.

I am wondering how do people find time at all to post so much.. for me writing a post and structuring it takes at least an hour or two if the post isn't too long.. And I just ignore posts in broken English..

They are jobless. They don't have any opportunity to make money except steemit, and they post 20 + times a day.

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