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RE: Ashes to Ashes, Votes to Dust: Making votes count

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

This is fucking stupid.

1 cent spammers are not the major problem on steem. This doesn't effect the assholes in trending earning $1000 per post on absolute shit. This affects tiny accounts making a few cents.

Yeah, spammers can technically make a million posts earning 1 cent on each...but that's what bandwidth was supposed to deal with, if it actually worked. Remember that fiasco? Spammers still spamming, but legit users couldn't post.

I'm pretty sure I made less than 2 cents on my first few posts. Fuck these idiots. "Let's solve a problem by making a bigger problem!"

Raising the threshold would be even worse. I have made less than $1 on some posts I've poured my heart and soul into.

How can they even think this is a bigger issue than accounts getting thousands of dollars for absolute shit posts, and becoming whales, and then being the ones that determine who is rewarded in the future?


This is fucking stupid.

Yes but, I think it has always been this way here (we just didn't know). If you read the velocity post it hints at why. Something to do with bandwidth and flooding the system. Perhaps it is a legacy issue.

1 cent spammers are not the major problem on steem. This doesn't effect the assholes in trending earning $1000 per post on absolute shit. This affects tiny accounts making a few cents.


Raising the threshold would be even worse. I have made less than $1 on some posts I've poured my heart and soul into.

Yeah, I agree. There are other ways to combat it but, that is what Tim's discussion was about.

So many complications and layers of complexity. The complexity here is killing it.

You totally did the quote and agree bit! HAHA!

There's an issue my brain keeps going back to. All those posts that minnows voted on that didn't get over the dust threshold...they basically lost their VP.

What happens if people start pushing the idea that if you're a minnow, you shouldn't vote on anything that hasn't been voted on yet, unless you can push it over the dust threshold? The minnow problem will get even worse here. Often when you're new it's only tiny little minnows and plankton voting on you.

Hell, to this day occasionally a large percentage of my payout is tons of small votes on comments. Although now I know all the minnow votes were just fucking disappearing if they didn't have someone with more power to back them up.

There is even some fun and useful spam. Like those stupid achievements. I kinda like those. I bet they make a lot less due to this dust threshold.

You totally did the quote and agree bit! HAHA!

I did.
...but, I did add something too ;) Also.. look how many damn comments I have had to answer... give me a break :P

There's an issue my brain keeps going back to. All those posts that minnows voted on that didn't get over the dust threshold...they basically lost their VP.

Yeah, :/ I wish I had known about it soon er as I would have changed some of the advice I have given.

Although now I know all the minnow votes were just fucking disappearing if they didn't have someone with more power to back them up.

The votes stack of course but, most comments don't get many votes usually. I am glad I know about this now though and hopefully more people will adjust for it.

There is even some fun and useful spam. Like those stupid achievements. I kinda like those. I bet they make a lot less due to this dust threshold.

Steemitboard? I use that sight all the time for various numbers and Arcange has other projects ongoing too. Plus, you can stop it just by commenting stop.

Yes i just don't see why others dont vote its not like its coming out of their pockets? Im just a week old and learning but i give my votes to random people just because i like what the post has in it, either its pictures or content ❣ i really dont care if they follow me or i follow them its that i think it deserves it. Or am i wrong?

Nah, that's how you're supposed to do it, more or less. You find good content you like and upvote it. If it's really good, you might follow them, but whether you upvote it or not should not be dependent on if you know them.

But thats how whales work? They get so much upvotes bc their followers just do it to get it in return?

Well, a lot of whales do have a lot of people sucking up to them. I'm pretty sure many of them just upvote content they like, just like the rest of us, but there are a few corrupt ones. Many of them use various means to auto-vote as well, since it's hard when your 100% vote is over $100. You can't exactly easily find posts worth a lot of money that haven't already been voted up that high. So they follow voting trails, and auto-vote some users with a certain percentage.

Wow if a vote at 100% gives $100 wouldn't that mean that a 1% would be $1 ? I can only deam that someday i can help others with that kind of kindness. I mean its not like we have to pay with real money from our pockets to get steem points.

Well, not necessarily money from our pockets, but we do earn it in a way. It's like a company paying us in shares. It's directly convertible to Steem, which is a cryptocurrency.

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