What is it with flagging?

in #steemit8 years ago

  I see a lot of talking about flagging; I'll give my opinion here. What should be flagged down? Frankly I don't see a reason for flagging anyone down except maybe if it’s a hate article, which frankly I have not seen any yet. 

 One of the reasons for flagging is because someone doesn’t like the idea expressed by the OP, I don’t think this is a valid reason; this is a free expression platform so everyone is entitled to his opinion. If you don’t agree with something just don’t vote for it, at the most comment about why you don't agree, if most of the people here don’t like it, it’s quite unreasonable to think it would get many up votes. 

As for thinking someone is getting too much help from the whales and that is why their articles get a lot of money, well I guess that’s the way things are, so I don’t think anyone should try to flag someone just because they are successful, maybe try to get on the good side of a whale, I think this would do more for your success here. 

I personally up vote any article I like, as the minutes I spent reading it are important to me, if I consider the post not to my liking I just move on. The same for following someone, I read their articles before I follow them. 

This is the first article I am writing, except for a few comments, it’s not much but I am working on my writing skills so just maybe I can get better.  


The trend I see for most whales that flag content is that a bot could have made the content. Granted not all content that looks as though a bot could have made it will get flagged But certainly, after the flag it is clear the entity could be a bot. Speaking of this, you have yet to make a post for proof you are human. Just letting you know you should be careful if your content ever gets popular people might get greedy.

Personally I dont think that down voting should be allowed, just flagging. Too much haterism to be created by it.

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