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RE: Steemit

in #steemit5 years ago

Personally I am not worried, my posts never have attracted much so even though I am making much less per post what I lose is pennies so it really is nothing. But when you add thousands of users making less and less, example for my posts I always use once a day, before the hard fork after the busy vote I had $0.30 now I have $0.12 that is 60% less, now just think of the majority of users being hit this way some of them actually depending on Steemit for some of their income and those guys are going to get worried (OK so they shouldn't depend on Steemit but the fact is they do) and some of them if not most will leave. That is worrying, but most of the bigger guys are focusing on downvoting, and the best they can manage to use as a reason is that it brings back rewards to the reward pool. If this is so, how come my rewards are down so much?
Like I said in the article I have the perception that there are less posts and the quality is lower, so I do think this hard fork is hitting Steemit negatively.


Time will tell. I am also concerned with the smaller users and trying to keep an eye out for those who are actually trying to create reasonable content

The bidbots are totally filled with complete shit, that been my downvote focus.

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