Is this really spam?

in #steemit7 years ago

I've got a question here, look at the following comments (they belong to another person's post):

Do you think what @blurrylens posted is spam? He's not asking for anything, he makes a nice comment and yet @steemcleaners is actually threatening with action by cheetah bot, better said he is going to get flagged.

But what I really don't like is apparently @steemcleaners is now using comments to upvote him or herself. Do you think this is right? Threatening someone and taking monetary advantage of this threat? Looks like we are acting like street gangs now. Now I don't know what @blurrylens intentions are, but if they are going to threaten someone because they "think" he is doing something, we are seriously screwed here.


Upvoted because you bring up a point of debate and have a good rep, but it's definitely spam when you post the same thing on virtually every post you see. It adds no value.

Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 12.00.30 AM.png

See the comments:

Also, just to add on to your second point re: payouts, I upvote my own content all the time without prejudice, and @steemcleaners provides a pretty good service.

They downvoted a few posts of mine when I was copying and pasting the entire article, but when I switched to summaries and added more commentary, I've received no more compliants or downvotes. I didn't agree with it, but it didn't cripple me either.

Just post good, unique stuff and you'll be in good shape. Don't copy and paste the same comment or one-liners. IMO, it is spam.

I've been saying that bots are bad for steemit for a long time.

I know you're anti-bot, but someone spamming this kind of shit on every post needs a swift kick in the ass somehow. That said, I don't love the centralized policing angle either, it would be nice if downvoting worked a little better than it does.

Yes, it is spam.

To get a better notion of how bad it is, read 10 of this account's comments:

Boy, you've been here a few days, and already you know more than I do, you're going to do great here.

Steemit gets a little douchy with its obsession to put distance between whales and the average joe.

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