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RE: The Conundrum of Getting, Having & Keeping A Buttload of Steem

in #steemit7 years ago

Another great article. I actually own several of those Zimbabwean Dollars you can buy them on ebay!
I agree with your points and would like to add that it shouldn't be taboo to question Steemit or question anything actually. Criticism is constructive and is vital in improving an idea. Steemit is far from the finished article, if it aims to be a decentralised social media platform that rewards quality content agreed upon by the consensus, then it has a long way to go and may well end up a stepping stone rather than the end product. Having said that participation by ethical, creative users who aren't financially motivated is vital in refinement of the concept and new ideas, critiques and suggestions should be encouraged. Lets hope Steemit has the ability to evolve and embrace changes otherwise it may become the blockchains "Myspace" and then those Steem Dollars will truly become Zimbabwean in value


I couldn't agree more.

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