69 is awesome...70 is better

in #steemit5 years ago

It seems like forever since I turned 69...I remember the day I did so quite vividly, fondly, and yet since turning 69 all I've wanted to do was turn 70. Some would say I should be content with 69 however 70 simply has to be better than 69 right? ...69 is still good though, am I right people? 😉

I refer, of course, to my Steemit reputation score. Sure, it probably doesn't mean much, at this stage at least, however it represents effort, consistent posting and subsequent voting on those posts by other users.

I'm very grateful to those who vote on my posts and even more grateful to those who read and comment on them as that interaction seems to validate the time and effort I [mostly] put into my posts. So, thank you to those people who have stuck with me since June 2017.

So, I noticed today that my reputation score is sitting on 69.999 which is pretty cool. This means that this actual post should see me hit a rep of 70 which I see as a huge achievement. I can recall the very day I started my Steemit journey, in fact I can recall where I was sitting when I wrote my introduction post and now, almost two years later here I am, still posting daily and still enjoying it.

I think it would be cool to see whose vote pushes me to a reputation score of 70 however I'm not sure that can be tracked and besides, it may be a bot I guess? If someone knows how to do it let me know as I'd like to reward that user (as long it's not a bot) with something.

Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on the enjoyment I've had with the platform and the interaction I have gained from some pretty cool people that without Steemit I would never have had. I don't know what the future of Steemit holds however I hope it's colourful and bright like the flower in the image above, rather than grey and drab like the rest of that photo...And I hope for all our sake's that this thing goes from strength to strength.

Thanks to all of you voters who help me along with a vote or two, I appreciate it, and to those who interact with me please know that I value you greatly. To new users, any that may be reading this...Stick with it, engage with others, answer comments and comment with validity. I believe wholeheartedly that that is the way forward for you. It worked for me.

Now...Back to waiting to turn 70...

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - @galenkp

P.s. If anyone wants to hit me up on Discord: @galenkp#9209


Hey, hey, Hooray!

Haha, yeah 69 is always legit. 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Was just trying to imagine how 70 is better than 69 (according to @galenkp) when I saw this. Love this bit :)) Thanks for making my day.

well when I am writing this its still 69 but hopefully my comment or vote push you over to the big 70. I am closing in on 68 myself so a bit more time to go to reach some score that as you said has little meaning (still want it though)

I'm pleased to have reached it and 70 is a nice round number so my slightly OCD nature approves. 😋

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulation for your 70! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks so much! Will probably take me a year to get to 71!

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The higher you go, the slow you will grow- have to accept that...I am here in 63!

Posted using Partiko Android

It's been a tough slog to get to 70... Consistency is the key I think. I'm lucky to have awesome followers too which has helped a lot. Thanks for commenting, and for following.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats, partiko still shows 69 and i hope you turn 70 soon. To turn 66 was super slow for me. I can't imagine ever reaching 70 if its taken you so long with frequent quality posts. People say that number doesn't mean much but it does represent appreciation of one's work from the community. And you've earned plenty of it. Great stuff!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @karamyog much appreciated. It'll click over at some stage I reckon...All good things come to he who waits...Something like that anyway! 😆

Posted using Partiko Android

Still at 69 as I read your post so hope my vote gets you to 70 :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Funny, my eye went right to the reputation number before I even read the title. It was like I sensed you had made the leap...or I read with my peripheral vision :)

Congrats! 70 is a fancy number.

Well, I could have been turning 70 years old but nah, that's a few years off yet.

P.s. You must have good peripheral vision. Good for keeping an eye on kids I guess!

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats! Don't forget the little guys down here in the 60s! 🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS

Nah mate, I'm a 60 at heart and got your 6 bro...And besides, I'm only over here at 70 and probably will be for a long, long looooong time...🤪

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations to have reached it and working hard toward that goal as well!

Posted using Partiko Android

Getting long in the steem tooth. Congrats !

Yeah, I'm like *old-man-steem or something!

Posted using Partiko Android

It seems like forever since I turned 69...I remember the day I did so quite vividly, fondly, and yet since turning 69 all I've wanted to do was turn 70. Some would say I should be content with 69 however 70 simply has to be better than 69 right? ...69 is still good though, am I right people? 😉

Holy cow @galenkp. For a moment I thought you were talking 70 as your age. 🤔

So, after reading the above quote and although still somewhat confused with the good news. I stopped reading in the spot and jumped enthusiastically from my rocking chair looking in my closet for a spare pink robe that I still had to wear to send it to you as a birhday's gift for a veteran elderly colleague.

However what I really found on my wardrobe, was a pinkish dressing gown full of hello kitties embroidered everywhere. And well, I thought that it would be a good birthday gift to send you anyway and I started packing it.

Then, I again sat down on my rocking chair to continue with the reading. Only to find out how my enthusiasm was rolling little by little down the stairs. Because at the end of the article, I could realize that it was not the right time nor you were ready for that kind of gifts yet.

It's been a while since I sent to your younger brother @tarazkp one of these outfits that I commission by the dozens on a website of clothing for young gandalfs. To this day, I still dunno if your brother has already received it in Finland. But if you like it and you think it will suit you well. I could try sending one of these to Australia and maybe it will get to you faster. :)

Take a peep!!

Congratulations for your brand new 70 reputation score by the way. In your case, everyone knows that you have earned it purely through a good deal of blood sweat and tears. Well done mate!! 👍

Haha, you crack me up! 😂

You know, I think I'd look really good in that outfit mate, for real! Hello Kitty is just my style...I'll wear it to work! 🤔

Thanks for your comment, you always make me smile. 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

I'll wear it to work! 🤔

Oh! beware of wearing these for work mate. You should use them with extreme caution. Because with the radiant hidden charms that these garments usually emit, you easily could cause an authentic jealousy revolt among the women around you.

Thanks for your comment, you always make me smile. 😁

That's always my greatest pleasure my dear friend. :)

Haha...Ok, I'll proceed with caution...I wouldn't want to cause a revolt amongst the girls at the office! 😜

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, I'm like old-man-steem or something!

No, that is @meesterboom :D

Congrats! It is funny how many have taken away the importance of this number because of the bots but I continue to have it as an important metric as you can tell which accounts have earned it. I also am encouraged when seeing those like yourself reach it as it shows what consistency and effort can achieve here over time!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks cobber, yeah I'm really pleased. There's been times I've been so frustrated with it for various reasons (my blogs not being read by anyone, for one), but have really enjoyed it, and stuck around of course. I try to post with some degree of quality and to engage with others. I think this rep score is a good indicator for consistency and so I'm pleased to have reached this level.

Posted using Partiko Android

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