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RE: problems with @booster

in #steemit6 years ago
  1. What is the point of even bringing it up today, many weeks after it was a case?
  2. Contacting us on Discord is to be able to text or talk directly and privately with me, @TheDegenSloth or in public with other Booster Experts. If you do not like the way we do support, sure, do not use it. Your call.
  3. Look at your headline, I have never accepted such insults from other people, in fact I go after people that use large words or shady put together sentences to discredit me. Yes I am a whale, and Yes I am aware of my own stake and how to manage it. What I cannot tolerate is blissful ignorance when putting together a post like this: about a month ago.
  4. Then after a lengthy downtime announce that @Booster is back and with brand new and working features like it never had before, making @Booster competible against the best bots on STEEM, which was the point: 18 days ago.
  5. We do expect users of @Booster to keep up to date with @Booster. We have never done anything without informing everyone first through STEEM and SteemSpeak.
  6. Most other users understood the message from @booster and did not send any funds while it was being upgraded, so now that you are coming here, a month too late and indirectly question MY ethics and indirectly question me as a scammer, what is the purpose of that? Do you want me to right your wrong? I can do that, but Considering what you call me and express your emotions and false doctrine makes me going to move extremely slow to teach you a lesson about how to contact people in a nonhostile way.
  7. The fact that I am a stakeholder on this network, and Investor does not require any consensus from anyone but me. If I want to hold stake, I do it, and I do with my stake as I please. I could have chosen to skip STEEM and invest in something else, but I did not and as a stakeholder I have a loud voice in consensus cases. None of which has removed the feature of running service bots on the STEEM blockchain. Just too bad you went shopping when Booster was not in business.
  8. I use words that I know how to spell. If they sound harsh, let them be harsh.. Some words and sentences need to be. I did not become a whale by accident.
  9. My feelings towards you or anyone else on the Internet is a non existing feeling. I meet people in public and make my bias based on how they behave in social events.
  10. Sure it could be easy, for you, if I just said Yes/OK and paid you your 10 steem. Most likely Me, Inertia or TheDegenSloth would probably already have done it, but with this post... indirectly provoking us by calling our business shady and scammy, paraphrasing of course. Do not take my friendliness as naivety and do not try to take advantage of me being naive. You are 1 of almost nobody that did not read the message from booster. All our other customers more or less did what you should have done, so there is that.

OK then..

then it is all said. I made my point clear and I am holding my ground.
You got my points, I got yours.. this is quite a start.
We simply technically disagree about transaction ethics. This is fine for me.

The only thing I cannot accept is that I am dishonestly or insulting towards you! Actually this is why I did not write scammed or something else in the headline but screwed which definitely refers to other problems than fraud, too. (! I intentionally also did not write screwed over! )
And who ever reads the text gets the whole true story.
So I am asking you to stop claiming I insulted you or called your business shady and scammy as this is simply not true... just read my words.
Actually I read a lot of good feedback about you, your witness case and @booster.
And this is also a major point why I did not only write this off but wanted to have your statement on this issue.. which you gave.. and that is good.
But you have to acknowledge it was aggressive enough to catch your attention what my other 10 plus posts before did not achieve.
And by the way I am happy about your lengthy comment and about the fact that you took your time to make your statement, as it seems that actually this action was not intentionally but accidentally and that makes a huge difference in my perception of this ecosystem.
Worst case would have been to get no response at all, so I have to give you points for this.
So as you are now probably thinking what to do with the 10 steem I sent you, and also because actually it is only about the principle and nothing else here.. I would be happy for you to sent those steem to a noble cause like @treeplanter

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