How To Manage Your Time On Steemit (and other blogging sites) And The BIG Mistake We All Make

in #steemit8 years ago

Steemit can be daunting when you start.  You can post on literally anything.  Or you can spend all your time looking at other posts as you upvote and comment them.  Both can get you your start in the network and build you steem.  But with so many people on this site already, and with so many more sure to join, you will want to utilize your time properly if you are going to see results.     

So what are you posting about?  I recommend sticking with topics that you already have knowledge in at the start of your steemiting (yeah I made that a verb).  When you already have a handle on the subject you can cut-down/out on time spent on preperation and research.  I don't recommend getting stuck on one topic, cause you really will miss out if you don't continue to learn, but, when you need to build an account, you don't want to spend too much time reading other work when you need to produce your own.  When you get a good start on steemit, built up steem power and are comfortable as a writer, then start to branch out.       

If you need some topics to post about, here are some ideas:    

•life (tell us about your first vacation, or that embarrasing story that always gets a laugh) 

•hobbies (sports, gaming, shopping, movies, you have to have something you like to do and something that you are knowledgable about it.  Find it and share it.) 

•teach us something (Where do you work?  Bring your expertise over to steemit and blog about it) 

•photography (Got the eye for it?  Steemit is also a place where photos and video can be shared.)      

Also make sure you give yourself a goal for the day regardless of the results that happen after your first post.  Tell yourself that you are going to complete two articles today and post them.  Even if the first article doesn't get well-recieved, don't get discouraged about the second one.  Get it out of your head and push forward.  Working hard when things seem glim in a trait that will help you a lot in anything you want to be successful in.  Anyone can work when things are going well, but those that can make it through the rough patches will see an increase in their chances of success.        

Now for the BIG mistake we are all making.  Have you read the story of Narcissus?  He thought he was so beautiful that he spent all his time staring at his reflection in the lake.  Until one day he worried his reflecting was drowning, so he dived in after himself and ended up dead.  Why am I telling you this story?  Because like him, we all spend too much time admiring, or checking, our own work.  Let's be honest, after you put you post out there you are pressing that F5 refresh button like mad to see how your post is doing.  Then you wait five minutes and check it again.  Maybe you check it again after another 5 minutes.  We all do it.  But this process is not only taking a lot of time but draining our mood and energy.  If the post is doing well, great, don't get too cocky, just because you had one good post, it does not mean you don't have to work on the next ones.  And if the post is doing bad, you will just make yourself less and less motivated with every click of the refresh button.  Don't forget to check your articles later in the day to see what is working and reply to comments, but that time you waste watching how many upvotes you are getting is time that can be better spent elsewhere.   



Great article! I definitely feel like people try to stick with what's "in" but in reality sticking with what they are best with, Will be the smartest utilization of time.

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