HoW to 'utilize' FEAR .. in an ATTENTION "Eco-N-omY" ???steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Here WE ALL are ... EageR & ExciteD !! - ))
An AMAZING OPPORT-UNITY ... TO BE .... to FEEL the CONFIDENCE that comes, when WE are "NOT BEATING" OUR DreamS & DesireS to DEATH ... with DOUBT. DoubT is a FEELING, which isn't a 'bad' thing ... its simply a 'BELIEF', that contradicts something .. YOU want. WitH this in mind, STEEM stands as a SHINNING LIGHT, as an EQUAL OPPORTNITY PLATFORM ... that GrantS FULL LIBERTY to CONTENT CREATORS and INvestED CONTENT CURRATORS ... the results of which, are the BlossominG of AN ATTENTION ECONOMY !!! - )))

... STEEM LIVES !!! - )))

THIS is the WARNING ...
There is a simple equation ... that anyone can USE, to play on people's FEAR.
IT's called the "HegeliaN DialectiC" ...
... an interpretive method, originally used to relate specific entities or events to the absolute idea, in which some assertible proposition (thesis) is necessarily opposed by an equally assertible and apparently contradictory proposition (antithesis) the mutual contradiction being reconciled on a higher level of truth by a third proposition (synthesis)

... sound complicated ??
... it's NOT !!!

  2. the PROBLEM creates a REACTION
  3. PROVIDE the SOLUTION ... that was pre-CREATED
    ... BEFORE the PROBLEM was preSENTed.

    image source
    BEFORE i continue ... i want TO BE CLEAR with YOU ... i'm NOT angry, upset, or disappointed ... nor am i attempting ... to GaiN APPROVAL ... and, "MOST IMPORTANTLY" ... i am NOT SEEKING DisAPPROVAL ((-!!!!!-)) ... for WHO and WHAT i've FOUND. WhaT i'm preSENTing ... is BOTH ... an INTUITIVE PERSPECTIVE
    ... and, a reQUEST.

i FOUND a FUN PosT ... it had been reSTEEMed into my FEED... IN IT, screen shots, of a dialogue between a SCAMMER and the author of the POST. FounD HerE: ... its PRETTY DARN FUN-NY !!! - )))

... and yet, something didn't ADD UP for me ???
(( aGAIN, this is "my' perspective ))

AS i read through the comments, a QUEST-i'ON arose within me ... if this happened to me, and i had acted as the author did ((BotH the 'interaction" with the 'scammer', and then, creating a POST for the STEEM COmmUNITY)), and, my "sincere INTENT" was to 'WARN' the STEEM COmmUNITY ... what actions would i take ??? ... how would i present the WARNING ???

WhaT tags would i use ... what payment would i accept ... how would i respond to the comments ((humble modest boast-full)) ... wouldn't my FIRST COURSE of ACTION "BE" to alert the WITNESSes & STEEM SupPOT & DEV. TEAM ????

Then with the same QUEST-i'ON'S in MIND ... i asked myself, in an ATTENTION ECONOMY ... what's to GAIN by "CRYING WOLF" ... for a non-EXISTENT MONSTER ???? ... NO ONE gets HURT by a preTEND MONSTER .. and, for every MONSTER !!
.. there is a CHAMPION !?!?!?! - ))

... hmmm ??????????????

... FakE PROBLEMS create REAL .. E"MOtiON"S.

... my REqueST - ))
OUTwarDLY .. i recognize this POST has the POTENTIAL to create animosity .. and an imPRESSion; that i'm suggesting this author should BE judged ... i'm NOT. WE each decide for OUR-SELF ... and, in my perspective ... this author is HIGHLY INTELLIGENT, FUNNY, INCREDIBLY AWARE ... and, DOING US ((( ALL ))) an IMMENSE SERVICE !!! SO much SO ... that i'd recommned YOU FOLLOW him @kryptik .. i am one of his NEWEST FollowerS !!!SINCERELY!!! ... SO, what is the 'service' this author has PROviDED if the POST is FAKE ??? WhetheR the post is FICTION (((or NOT ???))), it CLEARLY ILLUSTRATES the POWER of OUR E"MOtiON"S ... just look at HOW MUCH "trACTiON" and "INterACTION" the POST has GARNERED !!! !!!

= generate "E-MOTION" ... and, watch what HAPPENS !!! - )))

IF my intuition is correct, concerning the 'FICTION' of the "scammer" POST ??? ???
KEEP in MIND !!! ... NO ONE was HURT ... and, NO HARM has been SUFFERED !!! !!!
(( and the INTENTION of this POST ... is NOT BLAME nor SHAME )) !!! !!!
... and admist, what 'could' BE DEEMED as 'wrong' ((personal choice))

... is a BRILLIANT POTENTIAL for US ALL !!! !!! - )))

= E"MOtiON"S !!! RULE !!! ... in an ATTENTION ECONOMY !!! - )))

THE "scammer" POST, could BE REAL !!! my intuion MISTAKEN !!! ... and IN THAT ... i have NO EVIDENCE suggesting my 'perspective', is right (( NONE )). SO, my reQUEST is, ... if YOU agree OR disagree with me = whatever YOU decide for YOU ??? ... PLEASE (( !! )) approach your perspective from a place of APPRECIATION ((!!!!!!)) for the DIVERSITY of OUR HOME ... STEEM !!! ONE of the most INCLUSIVE manifestation(S) in HUMAN HISTORY !!! - )))

FINallY ... WE ALL kNOW ... that there are "scammers" OUT THERE !!! ... and when considering this ELEMENT of SocietY ... WE'D ALL !! LOVE !! ... to GRAB THEM BY THEIR EAR and S(HOW) THEM HOW EASILY !!! OUR BarbeD WIRE SHIT KICKERS !!! !!!
... slip into their JACK-ASS !! - ))

... IN THAT, i CONGRATULATE this ... WITTY & SHARP author !!! !!! !!! - )))

simply because, ... REAL or FAKE ... ??? - )))

... i will never again FEEL 'nervous' ... when the "scammer" comes KNOCKING !!! - )))
and, where else could i GAIN that confidence (( experiential KNOWING ))
... from a place of personal security ??? - )))

SERVICE(S) RENDERED ... thank YOU ... @kryptik

greb'Z )

IF YOU have found any ValuE in this PosT ... please checkout and support a "PAY it FORWARD" post i created ... i'm not accepting payment for the post ... and, i believe it brings a quality of value, that WE can all utilize. - ))


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THANK YOU !!!!!! - ))
.. so APpreciatED !!! - ))

and ExcitinG ... it's my first 'time' ... eek - ))
ha ha ))))))))))))

greb'Z )

God damn that was hard to read, great words but thAt format is fRUSTrating. It's hard to tell now of days which fears are legit and others just over proportioned by our willingness to accept them. Personally my hate is on for the a-holes who pretend to abduct children with there parents consent to show how gullible and simple kids are. How about this, STOP ABDUCTING FUCKING CHILDREN!

... sorry still messing around with mark-down UHGG !! - ))
i hear YOU ... in that, " its hard to tell" ... and COMPLETELY AGREE about the willingness to ACCEPT !!! ... and with ... SocietY JAMMING BS ((B.elief S.ystem)) into the MINDS & HEARTS of children ... sucks man !! !! - ((

... i FEEL the SHIFT is on though ... and, trusting it IS !! !! - ))

... thanks for the reply - ))

greb'Z )

Have you tried using bold fonts to bring your statements to life. Sometimes absurdity sacrifes the important message

... a great point + clearly illustrated !! - ))

DuelY noted ... and, my desire to improve .. strong - ))
DaY 6 ... with LOTS of room for improvment .. ha ha ))

It's a journey, only thing important is that you have fun along the way

ha ha ))))))
ThaT is either the kindest PuncH in the NOSE ?? - ))
... or, a BeautifuL reMINDer !! - ))

EitheR way ... i LIKE IT !!! - )))
... thanks for 'advice' and enCOURAGEmeNT !!! !!! - )))

All love brother, was a shout out :)

hard to read and follow but I get the gizzz. :)

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