The Beautiful Peacock
The beautiful peacock unfolding its eccentric wings across the night sky. They swallow the dragons lifted it farther and farther toward the mysterious darkness, the beautiful unrecognizable darkness as never seen before, something new and different, something incomprehensible and scary, but despite all this it safe and embracing darkness. For each wing stroke was peacock dragged away from himself, away from his own state of mind. It was cold, but it did not matter, it was adrenaline that kept the system going, the will, the desire, after just sink into the night sky. The peacock was injured inside, a mortal wound to the soul that sapped entrails peacock felt sad, infinitely sad. A lean holes that could clog whatever, one longs to be something more, something that never could be, perhaps that was why it escaped. A black glossy tear ran from peacock right eye as the accelerated out into the darkness ..
Beautiful words, you should add an image, you will draw more attention and luck welcome
Thank you, and i will!