
You should probably read it.

Yeah, Im not always in shape to read long posts (long story you probably couldn't be bothered reading), man I need some more coffee...
And then I promise to read it like my life depended on it...


reading, needs more coffee...

This was a dense read my friend, "the market", this is actually, along the lines of what I have been thinking, and throw in a "top-banner" so @ned and crew don't have to eat ramen no more. 🤣

Not so sure if you could purge this place of bid-bots and resteeming services and the hopeful plankton and the small-fish using these services to try and get a small glimpse of the "lime-light"...

I know it's really weird like something out of a SYFY re-make of a dickens novel or Charlie and the chocolate factory...

But these things/steemians that you seem to harbor such deep hatred towards, I mean they are the only ones who are making any real business here, the bot-owners...

We wrote this as a possible solution/solutions/quick fix to the current problem:

@vimukthi wrote this article it is basically touching the same topic, maybe a bit more on the practical side, there is also a poll/vote so you can choose which of the different solution you as a user would/could prefer.
@vimukthi suggested that "Keyword based ads" would be the cheapest and fastest way to implement, ads.

I suggested hiring an "emergency elite sales team", no initial salary but very generous commissions for those who managed to close deals with potential advertiser?

This is just a couple of solutions to get a new revenue stream, fast, to solve these temporary financial difficulties Steemit Inc seems to be having...

Stay strong! And sincere condolences to the people who lost their jobs...

/ @friendly-fenix


Anyone can produce an ad, from the noobs wanting to get noticed to the witness campaigning for votes. They pay the fee, and now their promoted post can be everywhere within blog posts instead of just one slot on the trending page. I'm not taking anything away from anyone, I'm offering more and putting things where they belong. If a top level Youtuber comes here and their work gets buried by an amatuer under this current model, that's lame, it's clearly broken. Why cater to amatuers and take the stage away from experienced content producers? That's backwards.

I don't hate these bot owners; their business model is clearly flawed and sure, yes, maybe it makes money, but they don't help the economy. They prey on weak minds who want fame and fortune on their first month of producing content online, they don't help people, and these tokens get sold, meaning the value drops. We're doing this to cater to only a small handful of charlatans and suckers. There's no money to be made in that. It's not that I hate it, it's just stupid. If people can't see that, they're not very smart either.

If you came here to troll, I can downvote your comments. Please try to stop wasting my time.

Real though beating up the small guy, for not just being a mindless sycophant...


I asked you, nicely, to not come here and be a troll. If you're here to be a troll, and disrespectful, I can flag your comments. I didn't say I would flag them, nor did I flag them. Me flagging your comments for being a troll is not me beating up on the small guy, that is you, being a troll.

I don't have any problems with those who disagree, at all. Nobody here has to kiss my ass. There's no reason to leave your mindless drivel here though, because it's wasting my time.

Please stop acting like a dramatic child.

Im not even sure if Im "allowed" to answer, its kind of sad, we pretty much want the same thing, I don't understand your anger over a silly meme... But don't worry you won't see me around anymore mr...



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