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RE: We're in a PONZI: But it doesn't matter! - Short Read - 1 min - #steemit - #money - #investments - #marketing

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I seriously suspect that you are in good faith.
But you are wrong, so I believe it's a nice thing to spend my time trying to help you in your thoughts.

I am not an expert of blockchain, or bitcoin, but I am deeply into the nature of money, currencies, and macroeconomics.

With this saying you miss the whole thing: for the world to function in a nice and productive way, we just need that every human individual can evolve and express itself.
To allow this to happen, the human individual has to be able to cooperate with others, exchanging goods, services, or just sincere human help.

Money should function as a medium to help human beings exchange this good and services to avoid that some individual lives at expenses of others. This shouldn't happen actually for the selfishness of the "productive humans" towards unproductive ones. But because who is productive, knows that it is precisely in being productive that lies the challenge, and joy, of the human condition; and therefore a productive human being doesn't want to deprive others of this challenge, as well as a wealthy and wise father would never allow his son to live of his wealth without realizing his individuality.

The money we are using nowaways (euro, dollars) doesn't work for this matter. Because being based on debt (let's omit the fact that it is a scam) it forces economic entities and individuals to just make some profit in the short term because they always have some debt to repay. This happen also if you made no debts, because there is always some tax to pay.

The core of Steem, like @dan said in his post about "world domination" is creating at the same time a currency, and a market where this currency can be used.

Soon the need to exchange Steem with dollars won't even be an important matter, because we will just use Steem for most of our exchanges.

For sure this project can fail, but this would just mean that umanity is still not ready for such a revolution, and deserver some more year of submission to evil powers that gave birth to 2 world wars and are preparing the 3rd.

Should Steem have success, what we will realize is that Dollar is a Ponzi. Euro is a Ponzi.
Because a currency doesn't need to be based on debt, but just to be widespread in a fair way, to enhance that human exchanges and cooperation I mentioned above.


Wow, great post. What do you think can cause it to fail except government regulation? My view is that it can't truly fail so long as Steem is traded.

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