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RE: @theprophet0's Blog. Vote. Get Paid. Car Magnet Campaign.

in #steemit7 years ago

Wow. Great news. Your hard work is paying off. As you say, Steemit is real. I can only imagine the emotion you must have had when you realized what the package was. You have more evidence to present to the people, when you share Steemit with them.
I am happy for you.
I have been trying to get some of my family interested. I think I finally have some of the many convinced and they will join soon.
What I have found out is this. Most of the younger people only use cell phones or little note pads. That makes it more difficult to use Steemit. But, it isn't impossible. I will soon have to learn how to use a cell phone for Steemit myself. Ugh. I won't be around computers all day. Sooooo
Let me give a little tidbit on @rebeccaryan's bog about who I am. When I say family. I am not kidding. My mother had nineteen (19) babies...................
Now Francis. Quit trying to take over @Rebeccaryan's blog. Back to the subject at hand. lol
Congratulations. You have finally made it. Enjoy.



Hi Francis!
Thank you!!! (I cried. That's what happens when you wear your heart on you sleeve.) Never ever have I had a post, be so well received. I am humbled and still in shock.
Do your best with your family. It is a hard go to get people to realize that this is not a scam and that it really works, if you make an effort.
Thanks again for supporting me. I feel incredible grateful. ;)

Oh Rebecca
In my thinking of myself, I had forgot to tell you that I I heard your voice for the first time. On the video. Now I know why you are so convincing.
After listening to you, I wanted to sign up again. Ha
And I will support you until the end. Hopefully that is a long way off. At least time enough to have reached a level of satisfaction with Steemit. Not true today. I don't even sleep right anymore. Always thinking and planning.
Thank you for leading the way. You may have to blaze a sizable trail for me to follow. I am a little wobbly now. Trying to find balance and direction.


Hahaha! Francis you make me laugh out loud for real!!! You and I along with our spouses (if you have one) need to go to Lisbon to Steemfest 2 in November. Wouldn't that be fun?
I meant to tell you that I noticed your reputation changed from 47 to 48. That's an accomplishment and proof that you are moving forward.
Is the not sleeping because you can't shut your mind off?
Not to worry, I feel wobbly too...we are suppose to be building our own little communities on here, the problem is I don't really know what my community is exactly. Do I stick in nature? life? photography? steemit-help? cryptocoins? cannabis? Does that stick you in trading? and photography? I don't know.
My point here is I don't really know what direction to go in. LOL

Rebecca, yes I have a spouse. We can call her Pat and be safe. She isn't with me right now. So I have be careful. As you know, I go to her at the end of next week. Lots of changes for me then. Dragging computers, sheets of papers, records, etc.
The simple truth is this. If she had been here the whole Steemit time. I wouldn't be along the way as far as I am. Or as close to nothing as I am. lol
I may not be the stranger community builder as some have been. I lean more toward the family community builder. But, who knows how that will work out though?
oops. Here I am again. Rambling about nothing.
Hey, it's Friday evening. Enjoy yourself with @knarly327. Enough Steemit for a while.
A weekend. Friday evening posts are for old folks. Me. Ha


It's like that for me too. LOL!
It's taken me all day and into the early evening to respond to comments. I try to reply as quickly as I can, but sometimes things back-up on me.
So, if I am reading this correctly, you have been living like a bachelor online for a few weeks which has let you toil away on Steemit and make some progress. Nothing wrong with that at all.

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