UPDATE Discrepancy about Steemit authors payout - Question - Need your help

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hey steemians, please help with your knowledge!

UPDATE: I found the answer to me question at @papa-pepper 's by chance. Yes I used the search function before asking this question but obviously used the wrong search phrase :-P
The clue is to do the 50/50 payout because steemit then calculates the SBD in the payout correctly, which is doesn't if you choose the 100% power up and get your payout only in SP!

I joined steemit a week ago and got my first payout (for my introduction post) yesterday. It seemed to match the amount that was promised with the potential payout. So that´s fine.
I´ve been very active since day one and kept posting and commenting :D

BUT today there was a payout for 2 other posting - and there is a huge discrepancy between the promised payout and the actual reward in my wallet. See for yourself


post 2.jpg

0.445SBD and 3.575SP seems very little to me, for a total of 8.26$ payout (without comments) .

On my introduction post it was 15.743SBD and 6.502SP for 31.39$ payout.

Any ideas?

I know it´s just peanuts .. and I´m not running around in circles because of that, I just observed and now I´m wondering :)


Thank you, I watched the video by @papa-pepper , it was very informative. I've been informed several times now that it's better to select 50 / 50 . @ironshield

The only thing that would make sense to me would be the fact that steem price has been increasing like crazy recently so 1 steem is now $2.30.

hm but that was like 3-4 days ago ... and the post is 7 days ago .. but yeah, could be that the potential payout is calculated upon the prize of SBD at the day of post creation, and the actual payout is calculated with the prize on payday ..
but the one payout was yesterday, the other was today ...
hmpf ..
#thanks for comment

also noticed that with my payouts. But unsure yet why this is the case

When did you start noticing it? Here it's a matter of cents maybe dollars, but for the bigger fish, it's maybe couple of 100$?!

noticed it yesterday. thx for the link.

The $-amount next to potential payout, is meant to be USD or SBD?!

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