My lives journey

in #steemit7 years ago

A life lived fully, guarantees you more opportunity. You can create such a life. We dream dreams of becoming more of ourselves, more of the parents we idolize; look at what they have accomplished, you either want more for yourself and the children you will have someday, to give them the priviledge to look at you and see the cycle of life through your eyes.
Isn't that what we live for? To leave a legacy behind that speaks volumes?

Sadly at times, we come short of certain aspects of our lives when we veer into the opposite direction from our parents. We either become stagnant in our search for happiness, lean too much on others for help, get consumed with what life has to offer, feel a sense of being owed certain things, procrastinate to what you know or think you can achieve, or blame others for what you couldn't become, feel an entitlement and holds parents responsible for your actions, or become the better part of your parents.


The upside about all this, is that your total happiness are dependent upon yourself. How ever you measure yourself against the onslaughts that may either help you look at yourself, strengthen you, mold you maybe into something better, depends on your acceptance, your will to become, or what manner of individual you would like to become.


A battle is half won, when you believe in yourself. Becoming something extraordinary, do the extraordinary.


Our lives has more meaning and purpose that we can comprehend. Do what you can with what you have, change direction if needed, give more of yourself if you feel you are not doing enough. As you pour your life essence into what you believe to be right, your direction will change as well as your outlook.

Mine are just beginning.

As a 46 year old, life itself has changed my sails. looking forward to change and growth to learn of my capabilities and reliance on what i know to adjust the sails necessary to fulfill my life more.


Here is to my fulfillment of my happiness.

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May your world today rotate to make you want to become better.
Love F

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