FEDCOIN -- US Government version of Bitcoin (rumor) --- can some experts weigh in please ?

in #steemit7 years ago

It is suggested in various sources (see below) that the Federal Reserve will come out with it's own cryptocurrency called FEDCOIN. 

IF they did, obviously it would not have the same properties of Bitcoin. 

  • The FED would certainly have a centralized coin
  • The FED would would certainly not have limits on qty.
  • The govt would love the blockchain data

Has anyone heard any concrete plans?






LOL decentralized coin issued by centralized FED

We will watch them for sure....

It might be interesting how such a coin would actually develop and get spread within the society. It's definitely not going to be a coin that's exclusively looking at the users benefits though...

Maybe bitcoin was seeded to gain acceptance...and then the govts. Take over???

It's actually pretty likely that something like this will really happen. I mean all the people who got no clue on blockchains etc. will probably not get into it. But as soon as the government tells them it's fine they probably will and that would mean that e.g. fedcoin might get mass adaption quickly 🤔

that I believe...or they are "incented"

wow they are desperate

of course they are...but these people plan things for decades....they all know that no fiat currency last forever...so what is their plan....???? They are out of options to me.

Its shitcoin for me

me too....x 100000 .......but they are the Masters of "shit shoveling" ..I would expect this from them

All the countries that are proposing nation coins like Fedcoin will provide backdoors or masterkeys to access each coin. Would you trust and do business with any nations coin? I have been watching antshares China's coin. So far acceptance is slow. bitcoins, Etherium, steem and litecoin make up my current portfolio of ecurrencies. Will do Fedcoin if and when the dollar starts to collapse...

thank you...and I would agree....I think of the people who have no understanding (90%) ...they would do anything the govt told them to do. Right now there is no "decision point" and these people are criminals and psycho's..there are no rules or ethics with them

You do know that the Federal Reserve is not run nor owned by the Government..
The Federal Reserve Explained In 7 Minutes ;

Yes....that I know ...it is owned by member banks...Fed Reserve created in Jeckyll Island 1913

I thought so, just checking..
Pretty missed up eh..
The def want a piece of the action..

Well ...their current ponzu scheme is over...they need a new currency they can control is my guess....they definitely want more control

Exactly, & they never will have enough control..Psychopaths never do..
Greedy phucks!!

This is a concern of mine that they will start a fed coin and make all other crypto illegal to own
followed you

we don't know....the best laid plans of mice and men....anything could happen...thank you for the follow

True, Rothschild is our enemy, as is China, Islam, Globalism, Technocracy, Monopolism, Tyranny, etc.

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