
I'm researching Panama to move my family there. We were considering Costa Rica too.

I can only speak for Costa Rica. It is wonderful here. And very high living standard for a Central American country.

How do taxes work there? Taxes on your vehicle? House? Income? I thought I read that there's no capital gains tax there. That's huge.

I have no clue about that. I don't own a vehicle or a house.

Personally I liked Costa Rica better. Panama is nice but kind of a police state. Our money is the same there. The policia are apt to harass gringos. Keep you passport on you at all times. In David I saw an american get arrested for not having it on him (he was standing in front of his hotel, it was in his room). I believe it's just a ploy to make money but it still sucks to spend the night in a Panamanian jail for something this silly I'm sure.

The police are not as much of a problem in CR? I have heard lots of stories, just stories of course, of expats being in a lot of danger in CR. Panama is supposedly better? I'm not sure which place is better. All I know is I want to stay a PI if possible, and there appears to be expat PI firms in CR. Also, you can get and carry a firearm in both places, correct? I refuse to be disarmed.

I am not sure about carrying but I do think you are right. I only know what I experienced while down there. Panama is my least favorite hispanic country just because the policia seem to throw their weight around to much was all. Again, this may have just been my experience. Well, everyone does get searched like crazy going in and out and it can take a long time at borders in and out of Panama due to this. There are free trade zones in Panama though.

Have you considered Equador...we went and loved it ...want to expat back..

That is one place I have not been. I bet I would like it.

The weather is what was crazy tight temperature range all the time .Like Hawaii but no toxins in the air. Great to be part of the alliance!

I will have to get there sometime then.


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